Need An Opinion On Pct

It's more about doing research and then making rational decisions after.

Not going off of WHAT YOU HEARD
I no joke spent 4 days reading about needles...what size? why what size? diff brands of needles, changing needles after drawing, etc etc etc..
READ READ READ, and then take a break from reading, think about it, and read some more.
Of course man.
My advice may come off as irresponsible, BUT I'd rather give someone the most info possible because if hes going to do steriods, hes going to do them. period.
As far as the growth, debatable.

I agree with @Northern Nutrition about several people starting to young. I also don't think we should just tell them to do whatever because it's their life and their body.
But I also agree with @boxcar that some people are going to do AAS no matter what we tell them. So I feel that we should try to discourage them but at the same time incase they don't listen to reason we should help them get the information they need to be safe for when they start AAS.
So in others words it appears I agree with you both. So hopefully the OP will listen to you both and do some more research before he dives into AAS.
