Need Help Interpreting Poor Post-PCT Bloodwork


New Member
Hi guys,

I recently came off a one year blast and cruise that involved one tren cycle and a few high test/eq cycles, with the rest cruising at 200mg/week test e. I was on HCG throughout the B&C @ 500iu/week. One month after my last shot I began a PCT consisting of Clomid 100/100/50/50 and Nolva 40/40/20/20 (all pharmaceutical grade and legit). I just got this bloodwork taken one month after finishing PCT and I was shocked at the results. Physically I feel great, plenty motivated/driven, morning wood, decent libido, making gains in the gym, etc. However, these test results say otherwise. As you can see, my LH and FSH are tanked. How can my testosterone be within normal range even though my LH/FSH are basically zero? Maybe the last of the SERM effect? Based on how I have been feeling the past few weeks, I was confident I'd recovered well. I suppose this goes to show how absolutely mandatory bloodwork is.

I'd be very appreciative of any advice on how to proceed.


Thanks guys

EDIT: It's also worth mentioning that the last of the EQ was ran over summer, so even with its long halflife, I believe it is out my system. My guess is that I started PCT too soon while there was still some exogenous test floating around in my body, or I got bloodwork too soon after PCT. Either way, I'd love to hear some feedback.
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That's a pretty high dosed cruise man. How many cycles did you fit into 1 year? I usually only fit two decent cycles.

Just to clarify, you had completely stopped using hcg at least a month before the blood test?
That's a pretty high dosed cruise man. How many cycles did you fit into 1 year? I usually only fit two decent cycles.

Just to clarify, you had completely stopped using hcg at least a month before the blood test?

I stopped HCG at the end of the cycle, so yes well well before the bloodtest. These results make no sense to me.
If the LH and FSH are in the tank, it's only going to be a matter of a couple more weeks before that test level drops like a rock. I'm no hormone Doc, but if it were myself I would hit another vial of HCG at 2500iu/wk for 2 weeks and 1/2mg arimadex everyday for the next month and get a retest. On the HCG use at 500iu/wk, did you extend the vials beyond the 30 day shelf life after constituting them? That could also be a major factor
I haven't, I am dealing with gyno and I haven't got a definite answer on whether I should start clomid again or just do an hcg blast
I agree with demondosage. I'm not nearly as bad off as you but I'm going to run .25 mg of anastrozole ED along with 1000 iu hcg twice a week for 2.5 weeks and get a retest. I was also considering running a short low dose cycle of nolva but I'm not sure if it would be very helpful. I'm recovering fine just not as quickly as I'd like. If you're curious my bloods were:
LH 5.7
FSH 2.0
estradiol 24.7
testosterone 573