Need help on my macros


New Member
I’m currently sitting at 216-218 depending on the day, I bulked from 185 to where I am now but I’ve always struggled with stubborn belly fat. I never payed attention to calories, fat, carbs or any of that besides getting my 1.5 g of protein for every lb of body weight. I want ppl that are on gear to help me with getting my macros in check, I’ve cut out all processed foods and cleaned my diet but still don’t know where my macros are bc I don’t know where to start. And before anybody jumps on me for making that mistake, my goal was to dominate in football and it did that, but now I want to really get a lean look, not shredded but still big and noticeable abs. I’ll put pictures before my bulk and current physique feel free to critique but I understand the mistake I made and I’m here to fix it. Also my stack is 500 test e 200 deca a week, if I prove to myself that I can take my diet seriously I’m going to run maybe 200 tren, don’t know which yet still have to do my research but then again I had to lower my 350 a week bc it was causing anxiety bad not depression just overthinking and not trusting ppl over the smallest things so if I feel like that I will just drop it. (Feel free to help me on the tren side aswell.)


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Personally, 22 is still to young to be on gear. I advise you get off immediately. Going straight for Deca on your first cycle for football? This sounds dumb to me. You have plenty of gains to be had without gear. I didn't do my first cycle until I was 31, and started with 250mg of test, slowly titrating to 500mg. Your fucking yourself up in the long run. Your going to ruin your fertility. Have you done any blood work? Forget even the fact you hoped on a cycle without even getting your nutrition in check first.

Personally, 22 is still too young to be on gear. I advise you get off immediately. Going straight for Deca on your first cycle for football? This sounds dumb to me. You have plenty of gains to be had without gear. I didn't do my first cycle until I was 31, and started with 250mg of test, slowly titrating to 500mg. Your fucking yourself up in the long run. You’re going to ruin your fertility. Have you done any blood work? Forget even the fact you hoped on a cycle without even getting your nutrition in check first.
(not arguing with you by any means) I did my first cycle at 21 and it was 300 test and got very good gains and held onto abt 75-80% of it I did my pct and everything and waited another 8 months for my current cycle. Did my blood work bf and after my first cycle everything checked out. Tested a before this cycle and I lined up with my test bf gear. Never ran into any estrogen problems neither. (Never needed an ai)
Why do you have 2 threads about the same thing?

Also, was it you that, some time ago, started a thread and the members here said that basically you had doxxed yourself or something?
I don't remember if it was you or someone else.
But the story was very similar
(not arguing with you by any means) I did my first cycle at 21 and it was 300 test and got very good gains and held onto abt 75-80% of it I did my pct and everything and waited another 8 months for my current cycle. Did my blood work bf and after my first cycle everything checked out. Tested a before this cycle and I lined up with my test bf gear. Never ran into any estrogen problems neither. (Never needed an ai)
Nothing I say can change your mind. I don't care how you structured your cycles. Your way to young for this.