Need help with PCT...


New Member
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I'll get to the point. As of a week ago my guy was M.I.A, come to find out he has been busted on some unrelated charge and I am getting near the end of my 1st 12 week cycle(Test-E, Equipiose and Deca). I have no other resources for a PCT. I would prefer to just continue with Test-E for a couple more weeks. What could be be the damage of not running a proper PCT. Any help would be great.
Do you have baseline labs (TT)?

Is this a first cycle?

And, yes. ASIH will occur.

It would be fine to continue the cycle until you got meds. But, not forever.
Michael Scally MD,
Thanks for the reply. I haven't had my blood work done yet. I have a Drs. appt coming up and probably wont have the results for about a week from now. Ill post them as soon as I get them and hopefully I can get some advice on what I might be expecting in sides.
Madison James research . Com has pct get tamoxifen citrate 33$ with shipping and it's legit I get all my stuff from there.
Just remember the longer your time ON...the more aggressive your PCT needs to be. I would be wary of overdoing it on your first cycle, if you have to stay on it's feasible but I would be actively doing your best to get your serms in hand. As far as availability... look through the underground you should be able to find what you need. If you're tight on funds you could look around for a RC with good reviews and it may be more cost effective for you. IMO PCT is the most important part of any cycle, and you should really not skimp on the length or the quality of product because it's really just not worth it. I will always stand by the opinion PCT w/ a serm is not a option, it's a necessity. In the future I would recommend Rule # 1, having everything you need before your first pin
Remember, "Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance".
No pct at all? Your test levels will drop ur hormone will be outta wack & ur'll lose size quickly. There are a lot of places 2 get a PCT def get one bro!
Thanks everyone for your help. I am stressing right now because I am close to the two week mark and I go to a gym where it is very unlikely that I will find any help at all. I have searched online but I don't know what sites are reputable.
Thanks everyone for your help. I am stressing right now because I am close to the two week mark and I go to a gym where it is very unlikely that I will find any help at all. I have searched online but I don't know what sites are reputable.

Stick around you will find a source... I personally prefer to just drop to low dose test instead of running pct, I just don't like going from a heavy or moderately heavy cycle to serms.... I'm running just Test after my last Deca/Test/Dbol cycle and I'm loving it. My strength hasn't really dropped off and I didn't lose any weight either nor did I crash... I don't mind running Test E at a trt dose long term however... I know some will disagree but I've done it both ways and prefer this way.. If you can't get Serms then you would be better off dropping down to 150-250 per week of Test till you can score some IMO instead of just goin with nothing... The crash would be less severe if you stepped down before pct as well... I don't know why more guys don't step down for a month at least before starting serms instead of just going from 500-1000mg of test per week plus other PED's to nothing.. Makes more sense to me, of course many will disagree...