Need pct help please

Chris wolf

New Member
Hi there, I'm chris i'm 28 years old, Long time reader and now i need your help.
Last blood work wasn't good:

TESTOSTERONE: 2.4 on a range of 4.9 to 32.0
FREE TESTOSTERONE: 6.7 in a range of 15-50
DHEA: 2.3 on a scale of 3 - 11

I started cycling last year using
200mg masteron /week
150mg stargate /week
300mg testovis /week
50mg oxandrolone/die
100mg proviron /die
Hcg 2000iu every 2 weeks
For 8 weeks

Pct was proviron 100 mg and clomid 100 mg for 4 weeks (under my trainer's advice)

This year i used:

Weeks 1-4
Testoviron 250mg/week
Bolde 350mg/week
Primo 400mg/week
Proviron 50mg/die
Weeks 5-8
Testoviron 500mg week
Boldenone 350mg/week
Primobolan 500mg/week
Oxandrolone 40mg/die
Proviron 50mg/die

Hcg 2000iu every 2 weeks For 8 weeks (every 2 sunday)

Now my T levels are ridicoulus as mentioned before i would they come back in a normal range for my age.
This is my pct scheme that i would use now:

Week 1-2
Nolvadex 40mg die
Clomid 100mg die
Hcg 2000iu 2 shot (monday and thursday)
DHEA 200mg die
Week 3-4
Nolva 20mg die
Clomid 50mg die
DHEA 200 mg die

I would do a longer pct like 6 weeks but i don't know how to set it up can you help me?
It is good to insert dhea for my dhea low levels?
That Hcg dosage is enough to recover ? or i need more?
Plese help me... that is strange for me because i have very low libido and no more morning glory or I find hard to have an erection when I am with my girl friend.
Help me
Sorry for any typos.

Thank you in advance.

First, don't use HCG at the same time as Clomid and Nolva. Second, if you have recent blood work. You should post it(Remember to edit/blackout identifiable info). You may get more feedback that way.
First, don't use HCG at the same time as Clomid and Nolva. Second, if you have recent blood work. You should post it(Remember to edit/blackout identifiable info). You may get more feedback that way.

Hi ts561 thanks for the reply.
This is my recent blood work regarding my testosterone:

testosterone: 2.4 on a range of 4.9 to 32.0
FREE TESTOSTERONE: 6.7 in a range of 15-50
DHEA: 2.3 on a scale of 3 - 11

Or do you mean to posthe the file of them ?

Ok first thanks for the advice for the Hcg, well when is supposed to be used and for how long before clomid and Nolva ?
Yes, please post the actual file. The link below is an article with the basics of HCG. You will need to still research and determine the protocol you want to follow. There are several. I will try to help the best I can, but you will have to make the decisions on what will be best for you.

hCG Profile
Yes, please post the actual file. The link below is an article with the basics of HCG. You will need to still research and determine the protocol you want to follow. There are several. I will try to help the best I can, but you will have to make the decisions on what will be best for you.

hCG Profile

Hi ts561, thanks for your reply

I'm running 500iu twice a week at the moment, what is your opinion about this ?

thanks for the link of hcg
Hi ts561, thanks for your reply

I'm running 500iu twice a week at the moment, what is your opinion about this ?

thanks for the link of hcg

Please take it as I mean it. My opinion has no value compared to bloods. A draw, that hopefully you can post, will give your LH and FSH numbers. As for the 500 twice a week. You may need more, but how can we really know? So, yes more blood work. It may seem to be a real hassle, but think about what this really concerns.
Hi there, I'm chris i'm 28 years old, Long time reader and now i need your help.
Last blood work wasn't good:

TESTOSTERONE: 2.4 on a range of 4.9 to 32.0
FREE TESTOSTERONE: 6.7 in a range of 15-50
DHEA: 2.3 on a scale of 3 - 11

I started cycling last year using
200mg masteron /week
150mg stargate /week
300mg testovis /week
50mg oxandrolone/die
100mg proviron /die
Hcg 2000iu every 2 weeks
For 8 weeks

Pct was proviron 100 mg and clomid 100 mg for 4 weeks (under my trainer's advice)

This year i used:

Weeks 1-4
Testoviron 250mg/week
Bolde 350mg/week
Primo 400mg/week
Proviron 50mg/die
Weeks 5-8
Testoviron 500mg week
Boldenone 350mg/week
Primobolan 500mg/week
Oxandrolone 40mg/die
Proviron 50mg/die

Hcg 2000iu every 2 weeks For 8 weeks (every 2 sunday)

Now my T levels are ridicoulus as mentioned before i would they come back in a normal range for my age.
This is my pct scheme that i would use now:

Week 1-2
Nolvadex 40mg die
Clomid 100mg die
Hcg 2000iu 2 shot (monday and thursday)
DHEA 200mg die
Week 3-4
Nolva 20mg die
Clomid 50mg die
DHEA 200 mg die

I would do a longer pct like 6 weeks but i don't know how to set it up can you help me?
It is good to insert dhea for my dhea low levels?
That Hcg dosage is enough to recover ? or i need more?
Plese help me... that is strange for me because i have very low libido and no more morning glory or I find hard to have an erection when I am with my girl friend.
Help me
Sorry for any typos.

Thank you in advance.

For proper recovery you may need to pin HCG EVERY SINGLE DAY, it works a million times better!
You don't need huge doses if you inject daily
100 IU per day is a good start
Lower Nolva dose down to 5 mg per day, ditch the Clomid and DHEA.
While DHEA is secreted in the adrenal glands and not in the testes, DHEA should increase after HCG radministration
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) levels reflect endogenous LH production and response to human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) challenge in the older female macaque (Macaca fascicularis)

Nolva 5 mg ED
For 6 weeks, new bloodwork and keep us posted