Need some pct/restart advice


New Member
Hey all I was put on trt by a urologist and he won't give me any labs, won't give me proper doseages and overall doesn't give a shit about the way I feel. So after 2 months on trt I'm coming off. I have done a restart a few years ago and it worked up until A few months back. Im trying again, and want to know if this is a goood setup. I realize there are plenty of threads about this, but everyone differs, and I want to know if my protocol is CURRENT and legitimate for someone who is shutdown from medical dose test cyp. Okay here it goes:

250 iu's hcg EOD for 3 weeks-month depending on how the boys feel.

Followed by 25 mg clomid for 3 weeks and then 12.5 for the last week.

What do you guys think?
Go to a different doctor o_O

Doses are too low IMO.
I used to do clomid 100mg for 3 days, then 50mg for the remainder. Never done HCG.
I would also do nolva. 20mg/day.
That's b******* find a doctor who cares.
I have been to 3 different doctors where I live. I live in Canada and finding a good trt doc is so hard. Besides that, my ED got way worse since starting trt so I wanna go back to natural if I can anyway