Winstrol: build its effects ?


Hi guys

first of all I wanna say how awesome this forum has been. Super welcoming for newbies. Very cool. Thank you.

here is where I am at, and what i am looking for:

started about six months ago , think north of 26% BF. 235 lbs. now i am 210 , 18% bf. Trying to break the plateau of this stubborn body fat. Lean body weight is 160 lbs , per my scale.
running 500-1000 calorie deficit diet. Tracking it all with macro factor app.

long term stack:
TRT 150 mgs per week
tirz 7.5 mgs every 5 days
Crestor 20 mgs for high LDL, which got under control pre cycle
Metformin 500 mgs , 2x per day

current cycle:
entering week six
test-P 70mgs daily (deep IM, VG inj)
test-c 150 mgs weekly (3 injections, subq)
winny 50mg daily (VG)

I know winny should be used for finishing but I wanted to use it to kick off the first cycle. Really liked it. Excellent dopamine boost. Outstanding. I take stimulant meds and the winny dopamine boost had me cut my stim dose cuz it helps that much with my mental. but, six weeks into cycle I need to come off it.

my long term health concerns

- lipids. how much does crestor help? I think crestor blocks enzyme so your body can’t make LDL, right ? So does it block the spike in LDL?
- HDL? I’m hoping that IM winny helped a bit on this front
- I think Metformin may help with lipids ?

- my hematocrit pre cycle was 53. this was after doing a baby blast during the summer (250-ish per week). It was 47 after my six week bloods on 100 mgs TRT. and it was 43 before I started any TRT earlier in the year. I ordered some telmisartan to try and get this under control. Couldn’t get losartan, hopefully telm works on this. I can’t donate blood cuz I take fin and dutasteride. You need to be off fin a month and off dut six months before donating.

id like to run this cycle for a little bit longer. I feel like the muscles are finally starting to come in. However I have quite a few checkup appointments within 3-4 weeks and dont want to get flagged by my doc for juicing

i have a urologist who runs my TRT. He only carea to see my test , free test , e2, and CBC numbers.
questions around thse tests:
- how long do I need minimum to drop my test levels to just TRT level ? Is a week enough given the cycle is run on Test-p? I’ve kept running test cyp At TRT dose, would you stop that also to drop the test a bit more ?

how long does SHBG take to grow back once you stop winstrol ? Doc doesn’t test for it but I suppose it can skew my free test numbers

from what I read on hematocrit I understand that it takes up to 3 months to “use up“ the extra RBCs. Would telmisartan help speed that up ?

would any other markers get flagged ? Guessing liver values etc are on the metabolic panel , which this Doc doesn’t care to see for my next appt.

cardiologist follow up:
cardiologist wants to see my lipid panel. Guess HDL will be the main issue right ? How long am I lookig at this. ?

what can I use while I dial down the test to TRT leVel.
can I start primo ? I wanted to trial primo for both cycle purposes as eventual TRT+

can I run var right now ? Blood wise I’m only looking atits effect on lipids , right ?

hair is an issue dor me. Winstrol has been fine. I do like the DHT compounds. I tried a baby dose of NPP and had bloody awful mental sides so in gonna stay away from 19nors. Not to mention appetite went thru the roof , turning even 10 mgs of tirz into a placebo

only tried var once. Did 20 mgs. Excellent pumps but not the mental rocket fuel that winstrol gives me. Perhaps this is the dopamine receptor affinity. I think Masteron may have the second highest affinity for dopamine of the conpounds.

sorry for being all over the place with my questions I do appreciate any tips and feedback.
I wonder what makes some people think that steroids such as winstrol/stanozolol somehow don't build muscle? I find winstrol to be quite strong steroid in my experience.

I agree. I wish I could run winstrol longer. Gym experience PLUS mental benefits are second to none for me.
Interesting, what have tried using before and what is your experience blasting steroids in general?

total newb when it comes to steroids. Prior to this summer all I’ve done was a test only blast in the 250-500 range for like 8 weeks.

I’ve got quite a lot of experience with psych meds , including stimulants, which I take for ADHD. The dopamine effects of winstrol are outstanding. Body -wise I can definitely feel that this drug isn’t meant for long term. That’s a pity. but it gives me a peek into what is possible to do with steroids as far as mental benefits are concerned.

I haven’t tried Masteron yet but from my readings it may seem like the other steroid that has a potent affinity for the dopamine receptors. The issues are hair and lipids. Altho after six weeks on winstrol my hair seems unchanged. It’s thin but still same issues.

I’ve wondered how winstrol affects hair loss. Most folks just write it off and say “it’s a DHT derivative and because DHT kills follicles then winstrol does the same “. My thinking is what if the action isn’t from winstrol itself directly but because of it freeing up more test via SHBG crush ? I don’t know.

maybe Masteron works similarly. But maybe Masteron is more dose dependent ? I wouldn’t run it for cutting purposes. Not at 18% bf. I’d strictly wanna run it for the mental boost because it could be run longer than winstrol.

i will see how primo goes. If u can get dopamine boost from primo , somehow dial in the e2, maybe that’s the long term play

bottom line. Winstrol is very powerful on dopamine. Just to give you a sense of how it affects me? I’ve cut my amph dose by 2/3 and even then I can barely function (too much dopamine floors me and makes me less productive ).

even if winstrol weren’t liver toxic and lipid toxic I’d still be careful in terms of it doing damage to dopamine receptors over time. Thats prob not as stufied. Unlike amph RX drugs , when used as prescribed , can be used over lifetime without sides on dopamine system.

I’ll still use it in my tool kit. Like if you have an event. or a job interview. pin 5-10 mgs winny deep IM few hours before
I have no experience with rec drugs, except parties in the past, currently I don't do any hard drugs. As far as adhd meds like adderal go, here in Europe it's either not registered, unavailable for legal use or pain in the ass to get prescribed. In my case simply not available.

Dht's in general are interesting drugs, I prefer anavar/oxandrolone ovet winstrol/stanozolol any day, of course it's not as potent, but is effective and gives less sides, not mention it can be taken for a long time.

Be careful with 19 nors if you suffer from mental condition as side effects suck. I expetience depression on deca and feel fine on tren, but def not near as good as on Testosterone.

If you like dopamine hit then perhaps a dianabol would be a good one, I absolutely love it for feels and results.

At the end of the day nothing beats Testoserone for me, I just love it. Stacking is fun but it's just temporary thing. Test is best and you can stay on it forever.
I have no experience with rec drugs, except parties in the past, currently I don't do any hard drugs. As far as adhd meds like adderal go, here in Europe it's either not registered, unavailable for legal use or pain in the ass to get prescribed. In my case simply not available.

Dht's in general are interesting drugs, I prefer anavar/oxandrolone ovet winstrol/stanozolol any day, of course it's not as potent, but is effective and gives less sides, not mention it can be taken for a long time.

Be careful with 19 nors if you suffer from mental condition as side effects suck. I expetience depression on deca and feel fine on tren, but def not near as good as on Testosterone.

If you like dopamine hit then perhaps a dianabol would be a good one, I absolutely love it for feels and results.

At the end of the day nothing beats Testoserone for me, I just love it. Stacking is fun but it's just temporary thing. Test is best and you can stay on it forever.


I agree on test. And I’ll add that my experience has been fantastic with test -p. I can run 100 per day and have less sides than when I ran 250-300 test cyp.

But given I’m technically on TRT care I need to manage my cycles around follow up appointments. This was part of the reason why I got test-p. I can , hopefully, drop my test levels within a week or two before a checkup blood test
total newb when it comes to steroids. Prior to this summer all I’ve done was a test only blast in the 250-500 range for like 8 weeks.

I’ve got quite a lot of experience with psych meds , including stimulants, which I take for ADHD. The dopamine effects of winstrol are outstanding. Body -wise I can definitely feel that this drug isn’t meant for long term. That’s a pity. but it gives me a peek into what is possible to do with steroids as far as mental benefits are concerned.

I haven’t tried Masteron yet but from my readings it may seem like the other steroid that has a potent affinity for the dopamine receptors. The issues are hair and lipids. Altho after six weeks on winstrol my hair seems unchanged. It’s thin but still same issues.

I’ve wondered how winstrol affects hair loss. Most folks just write it off and say “it’s a DHT derivative and because DHT kills follicles then winstrol does the same “. My thinking is what if the action isn’t from winstrol itself directly but because of it freeing up more test via SHBG crush ? I don’t know.

maybe Masteron works similarly. But maybe Masteron is more dose dependent ? I wouldn’t run it for cutting purposes. Not at 18% bf. I’d strictly wanna run it for the mental boost because it could be run longer than winstrol.

i will see how primo goes. If u can get dopamine boost from primo , somehow dial in the e2, maybe that’s the long term play

bottom line. Winstrol is very powerful on dopamine. Just to give you a sense of how it affects me? I’ve cut my amph dose by 2/3 and even then I can barely function (too much dopamine floors me and makes me less productive ).

even if winstrol weren’t liver toxic and lipid toxic I’d still be careful in terms of it doing damage to dopamine receptors over time. Thats prob not as stufied. Unlike amph RX drugs , when used as prescribed , can be used over lifetime without sides on dopamine system.

I’ll still use it in my tool kit. Like if you have an event. or a job interview. pin 5-10 mgs winny deep IM few hours before
250-500 range lol glad you kept it consistent ?! Wtf

And test prop and test cyp weekly … for what ?

I agree on test. And I’ll add that my experience has been fantastic with test -p. I can run 100 per day and have less sides than when I ran 250-300 test cyp.

But given I’m technically on TRT care I need to manage my cycles around follow up appointments. This was part of the reason why I got test-p. I can , hopefully, drop my test levels within a week or two before a checkup blood test
Just do your own labs, trt for less and kick the doctors to the curb. It isn’t worth seeing clinics or doctors anymore. Test is cheap. For $200 you can TRT for a year or more.

250-500 range lol glad you kept it consistent ?! Wtf

And test prop and test cyp weekly … for what ?
I never take a drug without titrating.
not sure of your sexond question /comment

I take test cyp for TRT protocol. My natty test was sub 200. Adding test to take it into a blast /cycle I have done with test -prop. Easier to come off it and on. Don’t have to wait a couple of weeks to ramp. And less sides for me than with the longer esters when they’re run high
The dopamine effects of winstrol are outstanding

I agree with this. First time I took winstrol I had a very obvious dopamine high.

I’ve only taken it two or three times to see how various doses affect me, so I can’t say much about it’s effects over a multi-day stretch. It’s on the list for a 3 week training block at some point over the winter.
Titrating his test is fine, he's not committing an AAS no-no. If he feels better doing it, so be it. Why would you even care??
Because he says all he’s ever done was a test blast in the 250-500 range for 8 weeks … when did he start the 500 “range” yes titrating up over 12-16 weeks I understand. Over 8 weeks he’s not going to know how he feels on any given dose between that range.

you think he’s gonna get a good read on how he feels after 1 week ? How many shots a week was he’s taking to get there ? If more than one it won’t set in till the following week so it’s stupid to do.

Oh also P.S - go fuck yourself, how bout that for why do I even care.
Hi guys

first of all I wanna say how awesome this forum has been. Super welcoming for newbies. Very cool. Thank you.

here is where I am at, and what i am looking for:

started about six months ago , think north of 26% BF. 235 lbs. now i am 210 , 18% bf. Trying to break the plateau of this stubborn body fat. Lean body weight is 160 lbs , per my scale.
running 500-1000 calorie deficit diet. Tracking it all with macro factor app.

long term stack:
TRT 150 mgs per week
tirz 7.5 mgs every 5 days
Crestor 20 mgs for high LDL, which got under control pre cycle
Metformin 500 mgs , 2x per day

current cycle:
entering week six
test-P 70mgs daily (deep IM, VG inj)
test-c 150 mgs weekly (3 injections, subq)
winny 50mg daily (VG)

I know winny should be used for finishing but I wanted to use it to kick off the first cycle. Really liked it. Excellent dopamine boost. Outstanding. I take stimulant meds and the winny dopamine boost had me cut my stim dose cuz it helps that much with my mental. but, six weeks into cycle I need to come off it.

my long term health concerns

- lipids. how much does crestor help? I think crestor blocks enzyme so your body can’t make LDL, right ? So does it block the spike in LDL?
- HDL? I’m hoping that IM winny helped a bit on this front
- I think Metformin may help with lipids ?

- my hematocrit pre cycle was 53. this was after doing a baby blast during the summer (250-ish per week). It was 47 after my six week bloods on 100 mgs TRT. and it was 43 before I started any TRT earlier in the year. I ordered some telmisartan to try and get this under control. Couldn’t get losartan, hopefully telm works on this. I can’t donate blood cuz I take fin and dutasteride. You need to be off fin a month and off dut six months before donating.

id like to run this cycle for a little bit longer. I feel like the muscles are finally starting to come in. However I have quite a few checkup appointments within 3-4 weeks and dont want to get flagged by my doc for juicing

i have a urologist who runs my TRT. He only carea to see my test , free test , e2, and CBC numbers.
questions around thse tests:
- how long do I need minimum to drop my test levels to just TRT level ? Is a week enough given the cycle is run on Test-p? I’ve kept running test cyp At TRT dose, would you stop that also to drop the test a bit more ?

how long does SHBG take to grow back once you stop winstrol ? Doc doesn’t test for it but I suppose it can skew my free test numbers

from what I read on hematocrit I understand that it takes up to 3 months to “use up“ the extra RBCs. Would telmisartan help speed that up ?

would any other markers get flagged ? Guessing liver values etc are on the metabolic panel , which this Doc doesn’t care to see for my next appt.

cardiologist follow up:
cardiologist wants to see my lipid panel. Guess HDL will be the main issue right ? How long am I lookig at this. ?

what can I use while I dial down the test to TRT leVel.
can I start primo ? I wanted to trial primo for both cycle purposes as eventual TRT+

can I run var right now ? Blood wise I’m only looking atits effect on lipids , right ?

hair is an issue dor me. Winstrol has been fine. I do like the DHT compounds. I tried a baby dose of NPP and had bloody awful mental sides so in gonna stay away from 19nors. Not to mention appetite went thru the roof , turning even 10 mgs of tirz into a placebo

only tried var once. Did 20 mgs. Excellent pumps but not the mental rocket fuel that winstrol gives me. Perhaps this is the dopamine receptor affinity. I think Masteron may have the second highest affinity for dopamine of the conpounds.

sorry for being all over the place with my questions I do appreciate any tips and feedback.
Winstrol is to cut. It isn't going to help.