Need some REAL pointers

Hi everyone, before I begin, I would like to point out that I am not nor do I expect to be spoon fed a reliable source. However, I must say that I am extremely disappointed with some of these so called “sources” here on MESO. Recently, I moved from a bigger city into a small, mountain town. For the last few months, I had been getting my gear from a gym buddy of mine made in a home brew setting. While taking the home brewed gear. I experienced some pretty nice gains; at that moment and time I was taking 500 mg of Test E/week. After moving far out; I decided I needed to find a reliable source, so I found the “steroid underground “ on MESO. Not sure if I’m allowed to post the source(s) I bought from, but after extensive positive reviews and even good lab reports from AnabolicLab, I decided to role with Hilma. Obviously I was very excited seeing as I thought I found a good source, however I couldn’t have been more dissatisfied:( I’m currently running a simple cycle of 500 mg of Test C, 300 Tren E, and 50 mg of DBol. I must say I have NOT been impressed whatsoever. It’s disappointing. Mainly because I heard so many great things about Hilma. But this has been one huge let down. I have experienced no change in my physique, no true difference in the way I feel either. This is the 2nd bunk “source” I’ve bought from on MESO. I’m starting to question the legitimacy of any source on this forum. For those wondering, I run a 6 day PPL split and currently on a “bulk” of anywhere between 2,900 calories-3,1500 give or take. I just don’t understand. Am I overthinking something? Is this source actually as bad as I’ve come to find out? Is this entire forum just a bunch of BS, selling bunk gear to naive people? Running compounds like I was running, and reading great reviews, I expected to see great gains. However that was not the case; if you were considering buying from HILMA, I believe you should save your money and reconsider. I’ve come to the conclusion that finding TRUE steroids on the clear net is pointless, you’re either going to end up with a fake product or a severely under-dosed one. If anyone could share a similar experience; or just give some pointers; I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks everyone
Not trying to put you down Connor but if you want some Real pointers: here you go. #1- stop running gear and PCT. #2- eat a lot more food, eat everything but junk and sweets,thnk protien complex carbs and calories -just eat! #3- lift some heavy ass weight! Big basic movements: squat, deadlifts, flat and incline bench, military press, tbar rows, you get the idea. Do this for about 2 years solid. Build yourself up a bit...Then run some gear. At age 23 it won’t be hard for you to start over again the right way. That’s my honest opinion. Good luck. Bob.
Not trying to put you down Connor but if you want some Real pointers: here you go. #1- stop running gear and PCT. #2- eat a lot more food, eat everything but junk and sweets,thnk protien complex carbs and calories -just eat! #3- lift some heavy ass weight! Big basic movements: squat, deadlifts, flat and incline bench, military press, tbar rows, you get the idea. Do this for about 2 years solid. Build yourself ip a bit...Then run some gear. At age 23 ot won’t be hard for you to start over again the right way. That’s my honest opinion. Good luck. Bob.
Well put
I didn't know he was 23
I would run gear until 27-28, unless I had been seriously lifting since 14 years old or even younger.
Even then, I'd wait until at least 25-26, when natural levels just start to taper off.
Between 17-23, if a young guy lifts a lot, some serious gains can be made naturally.
Lmaoooo thanks. 2900 calorie bulk Speaks for itself
Right, because let’s eat an unnecessary amount of calories, gain a shit load of unnecessary fat, look like a dough boy and claim the “steroids are working “ while we sit at 25% body fat; but in reality you just turned yourself into a fat ass and waste money on bunk gear. Sounds like a great idea
Right, because let’s eat an unnecessary amount of calories, gain a shit load of unnecessary fat, look like a dough boy and claim the “steroids are working “ while we sit at 25% body fat; but in reality you just turned yourself into a fat ass and waste money on bunk gear. Sounds like a great idea
I’m not the one on here complaining about no gains. I take 3000 calorie dumps. Rule number 1 you need to be in a caloric surplus on a bulk if your not then you can be on all the juice in the world it ain’t gunna do shit.
I don’t know your stats but I take in more calories on a cut then you do on a bulk
Right, because let’s eat an unnecessary amount of calories, gain a shit load of unnecessary fat, look like a dough boy and claim the “steroids are working “ while we sit at 25% body fat; but in reality you just turned yourself into a fat ass and waste money on bunk gear. Sounds like a great idea
I'm not bashing you, but 4-5k calories can be done and STILL be healthy so I'm confused.
Right, because let’s eat an unnecessary amount of calories, gain a shit load of unnecessary fat, look like a dough boy and claim the “steroids are working “ while we sit at 25% body fat; but in reality you just turned yourself into a fat ass and waste money on bunk gear. Sounds like a great idea
And I’m not bashing you I’m saying from experience I’ve been geared to the gills and ate nowhere near enough food and didn’t get shit out of it
Right, because let’s eat an unnecessary amount of calories, gain a shit load of unnecessary fat, look like a dough boy and claim the “steroids are working “ while we sit at 25% body fat; but in reality you just turned yourself into a fat ass and waste money on bunk gear. Sounds like a great idea
What did your bloods say when you were on homebrew and then hilma? When it comes to homebrew, a lot times it is overdosed. How many test only cycles have you done? I can slam a gram of test and not get the grains I used to on 500. Without bloods no one is going to believe you that you're doing everything else right. Lol, regardless of the low calorie intake.
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Me too. What you gain goes away if your diet isn't tight and right.
I remember being on almost 2 grams of shit during my dumber days and my gains completly halted because what I was on ruined my appetite and I was literally plateaued gained barely anything just got cut and veiny on a cycle I should have gained 20+ pounds easy
Did you message them or any mods, with the complaint? Good starting point.

I would not have thought a source being allowed to advertise would be bunk but you never know
Did you message them or any mods, with the complaint? Good starting point.

I would not have thought a source being allowed to advertise would be bunk but you never know
I feel like that’s part of the problem. Most “sources” on here are all fake to begin with. It’s honestly incredible how hard it is to find legit gear
What about messaging a mod about it, I have used one source on here and from what I can tell it is all good. But I also searched the source on multiple sights first and then read a lot of the reviews.

I would post for the mods to comment and email source then post reply just to make sure everyone is aware