Neo Anabolics (US DOMESTIC)

Well it appears you will need some product differentiation. Can you comment on your raws testing? Have you considered enhanced characterization more consistent with a pharmaceutical grade product?


Cost implications per vial also in that thread.

Thoughts on being a leader in moving the testing bar for vendors at Meso?
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Well it appears you will need some product differentiation. Can you comment on your raws testing? Have you considered enhanced characterization more consistent with a pharmaceutical grade product?


Cost implications per vial also in that thread.

Thoughts on being a leader in moving the testing bar for vendors at Meso?
Here goes me hitting ignore on this tiring piece of shit. Fuck you @readalot....
Some of them have been down right hilarious! Gotta be some of the funniest shit I’ve ever had the pleasure of being a part of. Who says we can’t do it now? Lol
I had one source and his rep so fired up day after day he used the his member handle by mistake and right when he did that I commented “Got em!” Lmao!
I’m sure someone here can find it. It was like 6 or 7 years ago. Great shit.
Who were you 6-7 years ago here ?
It won't be a seasoned member. I don't know this guy. Maybe his stuff is top notch. What I do know is that his flippant effort to sound cool and disaffected makes him sound like a douche. 90% guarantee I will never buy his product. Maybe he'll change his tune, post some pics that people are requesting, and gain some credibility. It doesn't seem likely at this point.

Sorry if I came across rude. I am here to serve the community of meso. Offer the best product that I can and try to perfect it. I am thankful for your feedback.
Why didn’t you quote me and say this? Why are you honored that he came and not me? I wanna be honored. lol

I get that the filter is “S” for “Sterile”. It’s implied. I just didn’t like how you seemed unsure. Just post the pics of your set up and no shady shit. If you wanna be a source here ya gotta work for it like everyone else. Have you read some of the old threads?
Your getting a warm welcoming compared to others and it’s probably cause I’m getting to old for this shit. Step up or ship out.
Thank you for your comments. Really. I know you could have been completely different. Yeah, I have read some. I am just here to serve meso. Provide clean gear with accurate dosing. I am aware sources are nothing without the community. It is your ball court. I will provide more pictures later today.
Well it appears you will need some product differentiation. Can you comment on your raws testing? Have you considered enhanced characterization more consistent with a pharmaceutical grade product?


Cost implications per vial also in that thread.

Thoughts on being a leader in moving the testing bar for vendors at Meso?
I agree on product differentiation. I don’t think heavy metal testing would be it; Would enhance cost of testing, so pricing of product would increase. I do not think there is the market for it currently, most people seem to want the cheapest prices. But I could be wrong, definitely something to look inti. Thank you for your advice.
Thank you for your comments. Really. I know you could have been completely different. Yeah, I have read some. I am just here to serve meso. Provide clean gear with accurate dosing. I am aware sources are nothing without the community. It is your ball court. I will provide more pictures later today.
Look, if something isn’t right or just not okay with the process you can make changes and repost pics. There were sources that were here for years and they went through hell but in the end I would have bought anything from them and I did.
Have a look at this C of A...

Note the listings.
@NeoAnabolics if you do not have an alt. Account at one time you did have an account here.. you did not just wake up and decide meso.. why wouldn't you want open with things to build trust with the people you want to trust you..and don't say for security cause that's crap. Give us a little background.. I'm also proud that you did not put the glass beaker in the refrigerator first..
Is this a math error?
Also I didn't see you answer this guys question to your math error explaining how you dose your orals?
@NeoAnabolics if you do not have an alt. Account at one time you did have an account here.. you did not just wake up and decide meso.. why wouldn't you want open with things to build trust with the people you want to trust you..and don't say for security cause that's crap. Give us a little background.. I'm also proud that you did not put the glass beaker in the refrigerator first..

Also I didn't see you answer this guys question to your math error explaining how you dose your orals?
Please refer back to the first page of the thread there is a second post with detailed math.
Which math was used for your formulations? If you post up your calcs, you can probably get a peer review before heading to the lab.
Weigh empty capsule. Fill body with baking soda. Weigh filled capsule.

empty cap = 100mg
cap with baking soda = 880mg

880mg-100mg=780mg baking soda

empty cap = 100mg
cap with dbol = 340mg

340mg-100mg=240mg dbol

780mg filler density
240mg active density

25mg dbol=unknown mg filler
240mg dbol=780mg filler

25mg dbol x 780mg filler=240mg dbol x unknown mg filler

(25mg dbol x 780mg filler) / 240mg dbol = unknown mg filler

unknown mg filler=81.3mg

780mg filler-81.3mg=699mg filler per cap

For every cap. 25mg dbol and 699mg filler.
For 100 caps multiply each by 100.
Look, if something isn’t right or just not okay with the process you can make changes and repost pics. There were sources that were here for years and they went through hell but in the end I would have bought anything from them and I did.
Thank you for your help and for the opportunity as well! I understand you guys are the demand and things are preferred a certain way.