New and wanted to show support for the crowdfunding campaign


New Member Supporter
I’ve been coming to Meso on and off for years to read and learn. After reading Millard’s thread about lab testing I thought I would finally introduce myself and show my support and give back in some small way. I would hope that there are others like me who have not participated in the forum before that stop lurking and register and support the crowdfunding campaign. I really believe that this a worthwhile cause that would benefit so many people. Bodybuilding is such a small subculture on its own, and the AAS users are an even smaller number.

About me:
Going on 40
Been on trt for 3 years (T levels were in the low 300’s)
Not a vet or pro, Just regular person with touch of body dysmorphic disorder.
Recently tried a restart protocol, did 30 days of serms waited a month and my total Test levels came in at a whopping 49.
In that time I dropped a lot of lean body mass. Needless to say I am getting back into the swing of things.
Currently: 5’ 6” (trying to change that), 190 @ 12% bf (Callipers say 9.2% but I look in my mind 12)

Meso has been a valuable resource to me and and i just wanted to say thanks.
I’ve been coming to Meso on and off for years to read and learn. After reading Millard’s thread about lab testing I thought I would finally introduce myself and show my support and give back in some small way. I would hope that there are others like me who have not participated in the forum before that stop lurking and register and support the crowdfunding campaign. I really believe that this a worthwhile cause that would benefit so many people. Bodybuilding is such a small subculture on its own, and the AAS users are an even smaller number.

About me:
Going on 40
Been on trt for 3 years (T levels were in the low 300’s)
Not a vet or pro, Just regular person with touch of body dysmorphic disorder.
Recently tried a restart protocol, did 30 days of serms waited a month and my total Test levels came in at a whopping 49.
In that time I dropped a lot of lean body mass. Needless to say I am getting back into the swing of things.
Currently: 5’ 6” (trying to change that), 190 @ 12% bf (Callipers say 9.2% but I look in my mind 12)

Meso has been a valuable resource to me and and i just wanted to say thanks.
Welcome to MESO. What a great way to introduce yourself with such generous support for not only the MESO community but also the broader community of AAS-using bodybuilders.

You are right. It's a small group with little representation. We need to make sure that everyone has as much information to make informed decisions about their health and safety.

Thanks you