New bloods after second run of PCT

bloods from this week. Second run of PCT. all info at bottom of post.

Old bloods done after first PCT

Feeling a lot better. No pre cycle bloods. 20week run of test @500mg a week total. 2 shots @250mg a week.

I’m still concerned about the LH and FSH levels. Seem a bit low. I ran....
100clomid/40nolva 10days
50clomid/40nolva 10 days
Kept tapering from here. I have it all logged at home. 45days in total for PCT, I’ll post what exactly I ran tonight
bloods from this week. Second run of PCT. all info at bottom of post.

Old bloods done after first PCT

Feeling a lot better. No pre cycle bloods. 20week run of test @500mg a week total. 2 shots @250mg a week.

I’m still concerned about the LH and FSH levels. Seem a bit low. I ran....
100clomid/40nolva 10days
50clomid/40nolva 10 days
Kept tapering from here. I have it all logged at home. 45days in total for PCT, I’ll post what exactly I ran tonight

Did you run HCG while on cycle ? I am glad to see the numbers improved after the second PCT. I can only imagine how you felt after the first one. I felt like a zombie at those levels.
Did you run HCG while on cycle ? I am glad to see the numbers improved after the second PCT. I can only imagine how you felt after the first one. I felt like a zombie at those levels.

No sir I did not. I should have on this second go around. I have had other health issues which have wrecked me recently in addition to that. I still don’t have the energy I felt I did before running cycle but I also hardly am lifting right now because of work, plus I went from being a very active blue collar to white collar. I’ve cleaned up my diet and started lifting light a lot and I’m coming around big time.

After the first PCT with bloods that low I was digging for a concrete pour and was dog tires after 15 minutes. Depressed etc...

I’ve done so much research since then. I want to run another cycle this year. Still gonna give it some time tho. I use to be the energizer bunny. I will run an extensive PCT with HCG during cycle next go around.
I've bee there & its rough. The depression and fatigue is what kills me the most. I dont even want to workout.

Just make sure you run HCG next time about 500 per week & make sure you have the pharma grade pct ( maybe you already do) & you should recover a lot quicker.
I've bee there & its rough. The depression and fatigue is what kills me the most. I dont even want to workout.

Just make sure you run HCG next time about 500 per week & make sure you have the pharma grade pct ( maybe you already do) & you should recover a lot quicker.

I do have really good stuff on hand still. I think the first stuff I got was bad, from a legit source here. In addition, I felt I had some autoimmune stuff going on. Also recently I had severe heart burn for awhile, coupled with leaky gut, and leaky gut can cause depression itself, fatigue, and autoimmune issues.

I’ve cleaned up my diet and introduced some specifics to get my gut back healthy, including probiotics and I feel a lot better in addition to the test being back up. Still have no idea if 500 is even good for me because I never had pre cycle bloods. Took a lot of bad advice from people I thought knew what they were talking about. And then ppl will call you crazy for getting information off the intervener lol. This website has done me wonders