New Member

First and formost...
HEY everyone!
I'm not too much of a seasoned user, but I have done a couple cycles. With some terrible "oral-only-cycles" in between, which got me no where.
Ie. Winny only, and Anavar only. (stupid early me) - I also think the winny was fake. ---
Cycle one = Trenbolone Acetate on it's own. Which helped lean me out very well. But now I just can't take it - as I will explain.
Cycle two = Dbol with Test Cyp
--- A year later, I currently just ran a TEST E cycle, 500mg p/w for 7 weeks, and on the 8th week I wanted to turn off the puffy'ness, so I dropped it to 250mg pw (ie. one shot) and stacked it with Trenbolone Acetate.
A week later, my hair started falling out SO much, that I stopped taking TREN; As it is my clear-kryptonite.
NEW cycle... will be this, I think. That is why I come to you guys after some research.
I hope I can be guided to fat-loss-wonders.
With proper altered caloric intake, with high intensity circuit training.
Clenbuterol Cycle (stacked with ‘Testosterone Enanthanate’)
- Clenbuterol; no need to take the three week route
- Slowly build up your dosing - starting at about 20mcg
- Every third week take benedryl at night this will upregulate receptors again
- Or use ketotifen (sp) use at night as they may make u sleepy.
- You can run the Clenbuterol like 9 week
Cycle (Clen with Test E every 3 days of the week; twice per week)
- Week 1-3 Clenbuterol
o Week 3 Benedryl
- Week 4-6 Clenbuterol
o Week 7 Benedryl
- Then Clenbuterol for 3 more weeks
Dosing would be like: 40/40/40/60/60/60/80/80/80/100/100/100 sort of deal. Right?
I also wonder if getting pills would be AS effective/available as getting the liquid (gel) kind of CLEN. As some research showed me that pills ARE available.
Although I would never order online!