New Cycle Advice: Clen with Test


New Member
First and formost...

HEY everyone!
I'm not too much of a seasoned user, but I have done a couple cycles. With some terrible "oral-only-cycles" in between, which got me no where.
Ie. Winny only, and Anavar only. (stupid early me) - I also think the winny was fake. ---
Cycle one = Trenbolone Acetate on it's own. Which helped lean me out very well. But now I just can't take it - as I will explain.
Cycle two = Dbol with Test Cyp
--- A year later, I currently just ran a TEST E cycle, 500mg p/w for 7 weeks, and on the 8th week I wanted to turn off the puffy'ness, so I dropped it to 250mg pw (ie. one shot) and stacked it with Trenbolone Acetate.
A week later, my hair started falling out SO much, that I stopped taking TREN; As it is my clear-kryptonite.

NEW cycle... will be this, I think. That is why I come to you guys after some research.
I hope I can be guided to fat-loss-wonders.
With proper altered caloric intake, with high intensity circuit training.

Clenbuterol Cycle (stacked with ‘Testosterone Enanthanate’)

  • Clenbuterol; no need to take the three week route
  • Slowly build up your dosing - starting at about 20mcg
  • Every third week take benedryl at night this will upregulate receptors again
  • Or use ketotifen (sp) use at night as they may make u sleepy.
  • You can run the Clenbuterol like 9 week

Cycle (Clen with Test E every 3 days of the week; twice per week)
- Week 1-3 Clenbuterol
o Week 3 Benedryl
- Week 4-6 Clenbuterol
o Week 7 Benedryl
- Then Clenbuterol for 3 more weeks

Dosing would be like: 40/40/40/60/60/60/80/80/80/100/100/100 sort of deal. Right?

I also wonder if getting pills would be AS effective/available as getting the liquid (gel) kind of CLEN. As some research showed me that pills ARE available.
Although I would never order online!

Your right in that benadryl and keto will help regulate your beta receptors, but they will not not make it just as effective. The only way to do that is to come off of it. The best way to take it IMO would be to alternate between Clen and ECA every two to three weeks. That way it doesnt give your body time to adjust to one or the other. But even taking these compounds, you will not see the results you want unless your diet is in check. What are your stats and what does your diet look like. Also, are you planning on running the Test at 500mgs /week? Do you have an anti-e to keep water weight down?
I have no anti-estrogen on hand.
What do you think I should use?

Also, I don't know if running eca AND Clen would treat my heart very nicely.

My diet is alright, just not perfect. I don't eat crap - ever. But sometimes my protein is too low, or my fats.

That's about it.

I'm Male
205 pds
13% bf
Well, to cut down, your going to want to go with a high protein, medium carb (or low if you tend to hold fat easily) and low fat (but health fat)
Also, I meant to ALTERNATE the two. Dont do them at the same time. Do clen for two weeks, then ECA for two weeks and so forth.
Are you sticking with the 500mgs a week? Cause if you grew nicely of of that, then it will suffice to maintain your muscle mass.
As far as anti- go with nolvadex and get enough in case you need it through cycle and then you will have it for your PCT
Okay great!
I really hope Clen does the magic that profiles and people's experiences SAY that it will! :)

I don't further risk hair loss with CLEN & TEST E ... do I?
And yeah Test gave me mediocre size, and I'm going to use 500mg to maintain what I have.

Then when I hop off the cycle, in about 6 weeks, I will up my protein huge so that I don't lose much - if anything.

I'm pretty excited to see my abs.. *sigh*

(never have before)[:o)]
Your only doing the test for 6 weeks? if that is the case, then you shuold use test PROP instead. It is much faster actiing and will give you better results for your short time frime. If you were doing this for 8-12 weeks, then I would say use the Test E.
And dont think that if you just take Clen and eat crap that you are going to get ripped. Diet is 80% of your results and the clen just BOOSTS what your trying to do with your diet and training. It is not a replacement for poor habbits.
So what I'm going to do, because my hair falling out has become a huge issue with me. At the tender age of 23 - is that I'm going to run Clenbuterol... as listed above. Stacked with Test Enanthenate... to keep the lean muscle there.
Benedryl will keep my receptors from shutting down completely, and I will prob run this cycle for a solid 6-8 weeks.

Ideas? Tips? Advice?

Still lookin guys...
(I love signing in, and there being a large thread)
You will get better results by cycling the Clen. 2-3 weeks and 1 week of Ephedrine/Caffeine/Benadryl. What does your diet for these 6-8 weeks look like?

This is a little off-subject but I'm going to suggest that you stick around and learn about the use of AAS and proper cycling. By reading your first post it's evident you have a lot to learn. You are in the right place for this. Start with the stickys at the top of the steroid forum. I realize that you have done a few cycles but a good place to start is first cycle FAQ. There is some good info that will help you out with future cycles. Good luck-


LiquiSteride - Finasteride

30ml @ 5mg/ml

Finasteride is an antiandrogen which acts by inhibiting type II 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Would investing in this Liquid for of Propecia (I suppose it's just the active ingredient finasteride) be a wise decision? Or should I just purchase the pharmacy stuff.
Even though that stuff is REDICULOUSLY expensive.. *sigh* :o

And would running Arimidex WITH my cycle pose some lean benefits? Or should I just wait 4-5 weeks to PCT it.

Adex doesnt give you LEAN gains perse, but it does keep the water weight off of you so you dont bloat while on test, and therefor look "leaner".
Which would benefit me more?


PCT = Nolva


PCT = Nolva & Arimidex
At 23, you should be able to recoop a bit faster than others and the nolva would just be fine. Option one would work just fine for you. but if you DONT end up needing the adex, or only use a small amount, then you can run it wiht your PCT
sorry but I agree with HDH ...

I don't think you have a realistic understanding of steroids...

First off Test E is not used in a cutting/fat loss cycle. You would be much better off with Prop in that case. Second why would you want to pin Test E twice a week. The ester is long acting, and there isn't any benifit in pinning twice a week. Finally the clen/eca cycle is a better idea on 2 week shifts then taking clen for 9 weeks straight. Although Benedryl doesn help, the clen is not nearly as effective.

I personally get the feeling you will reach your goals by have a way better diet, good training in the gym (maybe think about HIIT) and supplementing it with a Clen/ECA stack. leave the juice alone for the time being...
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Either way,

I am 8 weeks deep into my TEST E cycle.. so I'm not stopping.
I have already purcahsed my Arimidex and CLEN.. so there's no looking back now.

I do have a clear understanding of what aas are used for, (even though CLEN is just a side-kick to aas)

You are entitled to your opinion, but either way - I am going to run it with a small dose of Arimidex (thereby helping keep off the bloat)

oh your already 8 weeks in....

that is totally different then... at this point our opnion on your cycle doesn't relaly matter since your already committed....prehaps would have been better to seek advice precycle instead of midcycle...

eitherway best of luck and let us know how the ned results turn out.... I hope your not disappointed...