New Cycle Advice: Clen with Test

So what are you running? How much are you eating daily? How much weight have you put on, 8 weeks should show something. Also how long will you stay on? What dose of Adex did you decide? How will you be running the Clen? Surely you have somewhat of a plan now...right?
sorry but I agree with HDH ...

I don't think you have a realistic understanding of steroids...

First off Test E is not used in a cutting/fat loss cycle. You would be much better off with Prop in that case. Second why would you want to pin Test E twice a week. The ester is long acting, and there isn't any benifit in pinning twice a week. Finally the clen/eca cycle is a better idea on 2 week shifts then taking clen for 9 weeks straight. Although Benedryl doesn help, the clen is not nearly as effective.

I personally get the feeling you will reach your goals by have a way better diet, good training in the gym (maybe think about HIIT) and supplementing it with a Clen/ECA stack. leave the juice alone for the time being...

Well, just so you know, not only can any TEST be used to cut, but any AAS at ALL can be used to cut. In fact, there is some benefit to using the largely androgenic ones near contest time. One of my boys that competes with me I actually get him on test e(or sust) deca and either dbol or drol right up til contest day. Water retention is the only difference in "cutting" and "bulking" compounds. But, that can be controlled with AI's (such as Adex), diet,and water intake. Also, things like drol give HUGE muscle fullness at contest time.
And also, Test E (and C) start to decline full blood levels by day 5, so to keep levels steady, it is injected every 4 days. The same reason people inject prop EOD instead of two days.
Test E does not need to be injected ever 5 days.... Once a week is more then adequet.

Second I know that you can use any test to cut, But obviously prop is still the best choice in terms of the least amount of water retention... But yes BB you are correct - prehaps I should have said that Test E is not TYPICALLY used to in cutting/leaning down cycle due to the water retention...

I personally think that considering his goals he could have put alot more research into this cycle. I am not tring to bust his balls or anything, but looking at some of the past cycle choices he has made it appears to me that prehaps he is jumping into cycles without really researching the best way to do it...

If you want to loose weight and retain muscle it not as simple and taking magic clen and test... There are alot better options out there to help you get ripped...starting first and foremost with a great diet!!!
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Test E does not need to be injected ever 5 days.... Once a week is more then adequet.

Second I know that you can use any test to cut, But obviously prop is still the best choice in terms of the least amount of water retention... But yes BB you are correct - prehaps I should have said that Test E is not TYPICALLY used to in cutting/leaning down cycle due to the water retention...

I personally think that considering his goals he could have put alot more research into this cycle. I am not tring to bust his balls or anything, but looking at some of the past cycle choices he has made it appears to me that prehaps he is jumping into cycles without really researching the best way to do it...

If you want to loose weight and retain muscle it not as simple and taking magic clen and test... There are alot better options out there to help you get ripped...starting first and foremost with a great diet!!!

I completely agree with you on that too. And I wasnt trying to say your wrong on anything. Test E CAN be taken once a week and you will see GREAT results. But to keep levels COMPLETELY stable, Four days is better. It might not be necessary, but it is still the preferred method by many. And I would have brought up the Prop thing too, but I saw he was wanting to add Adex into his arsonal which will deal with the bloat issue nicely. And just like you said, DIET is key to everything. Whether its growing or dieting. High protein, medium carbs, and low fat should be the foundation and then you can tweak accordingly to how your body is responding
yep and clen in not a magic drug... or there wouldn't be any fat ppl in the world...

Clen is one of those things that can help aid in fat loss IF diet and training are spot on...

and as a side point ... some people even with good diet and training have found that clen was of little benifit to them... they got the smae results on clen as they did off....
Others on the otherhand swear by it....
yep and clen in not a magic drug... or there wouldn't be any fat ppl in the world...

Clen is one of those things that can help aid in fat loss IF diet and training are spot on...

and as a side point ... some people even with good diet and training have found that clen was of little benifit to them... they got the smae results on clen as they did off....
Others on the otherhand swear by it....

It does have some muscle sparing qualities, and it can help curb appetite and cravings.. Regardless you guys are dead on.. Diet is key, dedication not motivation.
It does have some muscle sparing qualities, and it can help curb appetite and cravings.. Regardless you guys are dead on.. Diet is key, dedication not motivation.

oh yah ... don't get me wrong... I love clen...

I am just saying that its not a magic drug. If you think you can eat whatever, and not workout hard and you will still magically loose weight you are in for a big surprise.