New Cycle Advice


New Member
I want to start a new blast soon. This time i want to have a much better result during my blast.
Last time i was kinda bloated towards the end. Gained around 20 lbs of weight nevertheless.
I noticed i'm a high aromatizer so maybe that might be the issue. Or maybe i'm overeating a little bit.

Does 50kcal per lb of bodyweight sound correct or can i lower it?
I was looking to add new injectable compounds to my test but not sure yet which one
Mast/Primo/NPP/DHB/Bold are all on my list of possible combinations.

I noticed i was hella lazy on my last test/anavar blast. Took 500mg of test and i was couching like a potato.
I was sleeping 12 hrs per day easily. Had to cut back on food eventually at the end. It was making my laziness only worse.

So it seems my body doesn't agree with high test. Maybe because i'm a high aromatizer. I react very well to low test and dbol though.
My main goal now would be performance, stamina, and aesthetic look. I want to be full with energy when i'm on steroids and not a lazy fuck.

I was thinking of test/npp/mast/drol or test/primo/anadrol/dbol or test/dhb... or test/bold - so many options

What does it take? I work my ass off in. the gym. 14% body fat - 190lb.

I want to add another 20lbs with a much leaner outcome.
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Test/DHB would be my vote. In fact that’s my planned next blast if I can ever finish this damn cut.

That combo should cut down on the bloat and give you solid results if everything else is in line.
I'm thinking of either:

-Test/NPP/Winstrol (injectable)
At what doses?
Let's say i want to start test-c at 350mg per week. And titrate my dose up over the course of weeks depending how i feel. Not sure yet how much but let's say in the scenario of Test/NPP/Mast - 350/300/300. This over a course of 12 to 16 weeks at most.
Let's say i want to start test-c at 350mg per week. And titrate my dose up over the course of weeks depending how i feel. Not sure yet how much but let's say in the scenario of Test/NPP/Mast - 350/300/300. This over a course of 12 to 16 weeks at most.
Pick a dose and run it. Do not titrate up.
Test 600, Mast 300, npp 150, winstrol 50 mg daily orally don't fuck with injectable winny unless you want infections.
I'm just saying that in terms of safety and compound proportion relative to each other, I've personally found this stack to be excellent. There is nothing wrong with higher test. That's the safest compound there is and 600 is the minimal dosage I've seen HUGE improvements on. Anything less than 6 on a blast, even in a stack, is a waste of time. Dude said he's lazy on 500 test. He needs an AI. I also am a high aromatizer. This stack with .5 mg anastrozole 3x per week was the sweet spot. Cut 7% body fat AND gained lean tissue. Bodyweight stayed at 225 but body fat calipers said I cut 7% body fat from 24% to 17%. I'm cruising now on 250 test per week for 3 months then doing this exact stack again if my bloods look good. I may even add 300 EQ next time. Regardless, dude was asking, that's my recommendation.
I'm just saying that in terms of safety and compound proportion relative to each other, I've personally found this stack to be excellent. There is nothing wrong with higher test. That's the safest compound there is and 600 is the minimal dosage I've seen HUGE improvements on. Anything less than 6 on a blast, even in a stack, is a waste of time. Dude said he's lazy on 500 test. He needs an AI. I also am a high aromatizer. This stack with .5 mg anastrozole 3x per week was the sweet spot. Cut 7% body fat AND gained lean tissue. Bodyweight stayed at 225 but body fat calipers said I cut 7% body fat from 24% to 17%. I'm cruising now on 250 test per week for 3 months then doing this exact stack again if my bloods look good. I may even add 300 EQ next time. Regardless, dude was asking, that's my recommendation.
What was your diet like on this stack? Were you eating in a surplus?
Orals can cause lethargy for some people. If you were on test/var and lethargic, I'd look at Anavar as more likely culprit than test. Test/NPP/mast combination also has my vote, though I'm prone to boldenone so I'd add that there too. And use deca over NPP as longer esters require less pinning.
I'm just saying that in terms of safety and compound proportion relative to each other, ...600 is the minimal dosage I've seen HUGE improvements on....He needs an AI. I also am a high aromatizer. This stack with .5 mg anastrozole 3x per week was the sweet spot. Cut 7% body fat AND gained lean tissue. ...Regardless, dude was asking, that's my recommendation.
Its definately something to keep in mind with the caveat "everyone responds differently".
Keeping aromatization in check is massively important but difficult to do without labs.
It does sound like you have it dialed in but I wonder if your "new" BF% will change your aromatization rate.... so you might have to adjust AI... just guessing but would be interesting to see your thoughts when you do run this again.