new batch tren ace from QSC?

Damn and here I thought this was a forum to kind of ask these type of questions. Was I wrong or is the lead affecting me too?
I think he just saw one comment and got snippy about it. Tends to happen every now and again as us juice heads are quick to anger/judgement and also don’t like to read good
In defence of @BigDadd7 I think he read your replies and figured you asked a question you already knew the answer to (that the pain killer affecting you was the real issue).
He didn't insult you, at all.
Your reply to him was that he cannot read, so tbf he was not the judgmental one.
In any case, you figured out what the problem was, which is good. Hopefully, you will soon be able to stop taking the strong pain killer. That stuff is never fun.
In defence of @BigDadd7 I think he read your replies and figured you asked a question you already knew the answer to (that the pain killer affecting you was the real issue).
He didn't insult you, at all.
Your reply to him was that he cannot read, so tbf he was not the judgmental one.
In any case, you figured out what the problem was, which is good. Hopefully, you will soon be able to stop taking the strong pain killer. That stuff is never fun.
I was just busting his balls I think he picked up on that. But I’m also referring to myself being a judgmental asshole who don’t like to read good.
& it’s buprenorphine so yeah I definitely am not trying to be on it much longer. It’s already been 3 years
it’s buprenorphine so yeah I definitely am not trying to be on it much longer. It’s already been 3 years

If you really want to come off, go to rehab. Being addicted to buprenorphine or methadone is just as bad as being addicted to heroin/fentanyl, in my experience.

You would be surprised how easy it is to kick opioids and staying off with professional help in a clean setting. After staying 1-2 years off the cravings will also fade.

Don't bullshit yourself by thinking you can do it alone, by slowly dosing down etc.
If you really want to come off, go to rehab. Being addicted to buprenorphine or methadone is just as bad as being addicted to heroin/fentanyl, in my experience.

You would be surprised how easy it is to kick opioids and staying off with professional help in a clean setting. After staying 1-2 years off the cravings will also fade.

Don't bullshit yourself by thinking you can do it alone, by slowly dosing down etc.
take it easy big guy I’m far more versed in this subject than maybe even you are. You’re not preaching to the choir you’re preaching to a preacher..
2mg is where I’m at and as far as coming off is concerned that’s half the battle. I talk with my doctor extensively about coming off each and every time I see her so I understand full well what to expect… so you’re certainly not giving me any new brain busting info, not that I asked for it to begin with anyhow
Looks like the tren is working after all :D

It was actually just a suggestion, not judging you. Do what you want bro, you will know when you are ready to come off
take it easy big guy I’m far more versed in this subject than maybe even you are. You’re not preaching to the choir you’re preaching to a preacher..
2mg is where I’m at and as far as coming off is concerned that’s half the battle. I talk with my doctor extensively about coming off each and every time I see her so I understand full well what to expect… so you’re certainly not giving me any new brain busting info, not that I asked for it to begin with anyhow
Sorry I am fully showing my ignorance here, but is it possible to know why you take it and have done so for such a long time?
Have you been taking this too, @ksm2 ?
Sorry I am fully showing my ignorance here, but is it possible to know why you take it and have done so for such a long time?
Have you been taking this too, @ksm2 ?
So I was an IV heroin user for about 6-7 years or so. Got off that shit nov 2020 and they started me on 8mg of suboxone. In the last 3 years I’ve worked my way down to 2mg. But the drug is so strong even 2mg covers half of your opioid receptor so even though it’s a very small dose the battle is literally only half way over.
There’s a few remedies for getting off completely but with my job being so physically demanding the subs really give me some relief. The harder I work the more I get paid. That’s really what’s holding me back at this point in the game.
So I was an IV heroin user for about 6-7 years or so. Got off that shit nov 2020 and they started me on 8mg of suboxone. In the last 3 years I’ve worked my way down to 2mg. But the drug is so strong even 2mg covers half of your opioid receptor so even though it’s a very small dose the battle is literally only half way over.
There’s a few remedies for getting off completely but with my job being so physically demanding the subs really give me some relief. The harder I work the more I get paid. That’s really what’s holding me back at this point in the game.

This all sound really hard.
Bless you heart, for making the decision to get out of that horrible addiction and doing the best you can.
It must be difficult for your family, too.
You have shown yourself you can do it and you are much better for it, right?
Keep it going :)
I hope there will come a day when you don't need to take any other medication