Digestion, stomach and gut health


For the last months i m blasting high Trest, Primo and HGH and i m getting some stomach issues.
Digestion of the food is slow and i m not hungry most of the time.
Every time i eat something my gut gets abnormally big, which stays like this during the day. But when i wake up in the morning its in normal size.
During night time im getting heartburn and sometimes i wake up puking some kind of fluid.

Any ideas on how to improve gut and stomach health and deal with those issues?
For the last months i m blasting high Trest, Primo and HGH and i m getting some stomach issues.
Digestion of the food is slow and i m not hungry most of the time.
Every time i eat something my gut gets abnormally big, which stays like this during the day. But when i wake up in the morning its in normal size.
During night time im getting heartburn and sometimes i wake up puking some kind of fluid.

Any ideas on how to improve gut and stomach health and deal with those issues?
I had the same issue. I can’t seem to digest mass gainers or protein shakes well.

What helped for me is: probiotics, gas-x and digestive enzymes.
Certainly lower your doses while you find out what is wrong of not come off altogether.. I only say lower and don't just stop use due to hormone fluctuations causing even more problems..

Get bloodwork and check liver health.. Last time I did this they find hemangiomas all over my liver and huge gallstone.. Definitely worth doing if you want to keep progressing..

Iv even still posted after all that ffs
Story of my life right here. My gut prevents me from blasting all the time. Normally after a blast if I give myself 2-3 months break between the next I’m fine and have zero stomach issues. If I continue to cruise with certain compounds and then blast again my gut gets worse. Sulfur burps, super bloat, explosive gas, the whole 9, upset stomach it’s horrible. That’s with taking glutathione l, tudca, pro biotic, organ support, bpc oral capsules. Sometimes a long break is needed and then everything is fine. One thing I started doing differently is drinking liquid aloe Vera to heal the insides.