New guy comin in hot looking for raws


New Member
I started to think about what to say for my first post and then I seen what this guy wrote.

Hi everyone. Newbie here. Sadly a newbie to the whole forum thing as well. I'm 35. Been lifting bodybuilding style for 15 years. I've decided to to try actual gear and have begun the search for a source. The problem is I like the anabolic lab system but have no clue how to go on from there and and choose a supplier of any well reviewed labs. Every UGL I read about has a million positive and negative reviews. Every thread and forum has reps and shills and endless people harassing each other. Maybe I'm just old but is there a more streamlined way I should be searching? Every thing I read ends up being people bitching at each other and the only useful advise is "keep reading and researching and you'll find a good source." Problem is I've been reading and reading and just end up nowhere. Any actual, practical, A to B advice would be much appreciated. I'm not here to make waves. I'm a real person who has a job and life and is too much of a pussy to try someone at any gyms I go to for a hookup. I'm also not retarded and realize how to read my screen so if you're a new member telling me to check out this lab that you heard is great please try that shit with someone else. I want to get a source, get bloods before and after a cycle and contribute to this community. Thanks.

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So thanks to him for saving me the time because this pretty much would sum up my intro for the most part at least..

But anyways so I am looking to skip past finding a source from a ugl and instead I am looking for a anyone and everyone who has had any recent experience with ordering raws from china. From what I gather there are only a few distributors in china and then a shit ton of 2nd/third party distributors/ugls.. I have my mind set on home brewing and I have researched quite a bit about it, doesnt seem all that difficult. The difficulty is finding a me solid china man/woman who is who they say they are and will sell me what they say they will for the agreed price.

I have decided for my first cycle to be test prop. only test, nothing else. I have researched this rather extensively and concluded test only for first cycle makes sense and seems most suitable for me. Test only for a 1st cycle seems like a solid rule of thumb but to each his own.

I have seen a posts here about people willing to guide people in the right direction when it comes to finding a trustworthy source for raws from china. Any and all input in this area would be highly appreciated !!!
Nobody worth their salt is going to give up their source to you.

cant say i totally disagree with this statement but i have seen at least one wlk member from this forum offer such advice.. i realize most may not be readily available to offer me a good source but i have seen many posts like this which resulted in some useful information being produced.

Lol. That's the first time I've seen an intro where someone quotes another intro and basically says, "yeah, what that guy said and oh, whose got a good raw source?"

haha yea i know man its a bold first post but whatever.

Crazy, isn't it?

i know it seems like its asking a lot. but i am not really asking for the biggest secret in the world here. i am just looking for someone that knows or may know someone who has had experience ordering from china and/or would like to help me out with some useful information to minimize the risk of getting scammed
cant say i totally disagree with this statement but i have seen at least one wlk member from this forum offer such advice.. i realize most may not be readily available to offer me a good source but i have seen many posts like this which resulted in some useful information being produced.

haha yea i know man its a bold first post but whatever.

i know it seems like its asking a lot. but i am not really asking for the biggest secret in the world here. i am just looking for someone that knows or may know someone who has had experience ordering from china and/or would like to help me out with some useful information to minimize the risk of getting scammed

Bc I so strongly believe titles are worthless I asked Millard Baker to change mine back to member. Not everyone who has that title deserves it, not everyone who doesn't haven't it shouldn't have it bc they deserve it, and you shouldn't trust someone based on a title either.

Odie was a WKM and look what happened with him....
see what i mean i am already getting useful information !

not to say i would just trust someone because of their title of course i wouldnt but this is good information none the less so thanks for that.

other than standard things to check for like spelling errors/non-respondent customer service/business address/google search etc.. do u have any tips for finding a reliable powder man in china ?
OP, with all due respect, please stop being lazy. My most beneficial post on Meso was my new member intro. Those that took time to read it and comment told me who I new to lean on and read up on. Your missing a huge opportunity not taking advantage of your new member into. Go find the thread and do it right man!;)
All you're doing by coming on here and first thing asking for sources is probably getting pm's from people looking for a sucker.

its whatever to me thats just all part of wading through the bs to get to where i want to be. it wont be the first time someone trys to scam me and it wont be the last.. and if they are smart enough to get me then ok, they got me. i am a gambling man i may not always bet with the odds in my favor but i still take calculated risks but at the end of the day i wont gamble with anything i cant lose and thats all that matters so im not too worried about it.

thanks for looking out tho i appreciate it
OP, with all due respect, please stop being lazy. My most beneficial post on Meso was my new member intro. Those that took time to read it and comment told me who I new to lean on and read up on. Your missing a huge opportunity not taking advantage of your new member into. Go find the thread and do it right man!;)

u never know man. this here could be my most benefical post too !

But i was under the impression that making a first post in the intro section was the right thing to do ? i suppose u just dont agree with my intro style haha fair enough i am sure u arent alone there but to each his own. and to be fair normally i may have expressed some more personal details about me first but given my intentions/posting content i thought best not to basically.. im just here looking for a few good men to point me in the right direction as to who to buy some raws or any advice relating and then share some other useful knowledge/experience i have with some other people out there in the case it may help them as well.

thanks for ur input regardless tho
You should have given us another example of another members first post.

This lacks creativity. You may get a pm. I encourage you not to reply.
You should have given us another example of another members first post.

This lacks creativity. You may get a pm. I encourage you not to reply.

when it sums up almost exactly where i am at and what i wanted to say it just makes sense. it may lack creativity in a sense but im an opportunist and it was an opportunity to save me some time and effort so i did it.

and it must have been creative on some level seeing as eman said it was the first post like this he has seen... :p
when it sums up almost exactly where i am at and what i wanted to say it just makes sense. it may lack creativity in a sense but im an opportunist and it was an opportunity to save me some time and effort so i did it.

and it must have been creative on some level seeing as eman said it was the first post like this he has seen... :p
Nothing wrong with an opportunist or an optimist. When I first joined, I did so with my real first and last name. I was informed that that wasn't a good idea. The guys were quite rude, and i must admit it hurt my feelings some, but hey, they took the time to tell me i fucked up. That's cool. :)
Testing name change

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My bad man. I just used your post to see how my user name appeared. Am trying to change it.

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You do realize everytime this guy quoted you it quoted your other name.

I also found it quoted other places on here. If I were you I would abandon this account all together. Start over.
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Lmfao! So u wanna source yet your to lazy to find one your even to lazy to put in effort asking in your own words fuck man just go. Most of us on here had to research our asses off nothing comes on a golden spoon these days!
To be honest if u get scammed by random pms telling u they have bread and butter for u its your own stupidity!
Good luck cant wait for the thread where i say u got scammed!