New guy here: Nandrolone, Test C and Anavar cycle


New Member
I've been on TRT 200 mg of Test Cypionate for about 2 months now. Total T is at 1159 (max range 1100) , free test 325 (max range 155) Prolactin 13.3 (4.04-15.20 range), Estradiol 45.2 (11.3 to 43.2 range) , progesterone 0.37(0.00 to 0.15 range).

I want to run 200 Test Cypionate, 200 Nandrolone, and 25 Anavar. Var for 4 weeks, Nandrolone for 12 weeks. Bloods at week 6 and 12.

Is this a nice beginner cycle? I'm looking to add mass and lubricate joints. Never ran one in my life. Only been on TRT a couple months.

Thank you for any help
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Probably better off just running test solo at a higher dosage, say 400-500mg/wk. Anavar at 25mg for 4 weeks is a waste imo.

I’d explore other compounds after I had a cycle like the above under my belt given it’ll usually be your base for everything else going forward.
Probably better off just running test solo at a higher dosage, say 400-500mg/wk. Anavar at 25mg for 4 weeks is a waste imo.

I’d explore other compounds after I had a cycle like the above under my belt given it’ll usually be your base for everything else going forward.
How long would you run the 400-500mg/wk for? When would you check bloods? I really want to try Nandrolone for the joint help. What about adding a little to test it out?
How long would you run the 400-500mg/wk for? When would you check bloods? I really want to try Nandrolone for the joint help. What about adding a little to test it out?
I’m not a huge fan of giving specific cycle lengths to people as it’s somewhat arbitrary given I don’t have all the info I need. Having said that, I wouldn’t run test c any less than 12 weeks. Check bloods at the 5-6 week mark. If things look good internally and you feel fine externally, truck on.

Also not big on using AAS to address joint issues. What joint issues are you experiencing and how did they come about? I’ve never had joint issues on 500mg test solo as long as I’m not crushing my estrogen with unnecessary AI usage. In the end, 200mg deca won’t kill you so have at it.
I’d just stay on TRT for a bit.

1. You’re already well past a true replacement dose aka gainzz city

2. Even if it was a true TRT I’d say just hang here for a bit. Gives you time to get dialed and set up AND you’ll have a good spot to come back to post blast.

3. If you needed TRT YOU WILL MAKE GAINS just by starting that (assuming diet and gym coincide with that). So milk the TRT gains then milk the first blast gains.

Tripple the gains

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I’m not a huge fan of giving specific cycle lengths to people as it’s somewhat arbitrary given I don’t have all the info I need. Having said that, I wouldn’t run test c any less than 12 weeks. Check bloods at the 5-6 week mark. If things look good internally and you feel fine externally, truck on.

Also not big on using AAS to address joint issues. What joint issues are you experiencing and how did they come about? I’ve never had joint issues on 500mg test solo as long as I’m not crushing my estrogen with unnecessary AI usage. In the end, 200mg deca won’t kill you so have at it.
I was in a bad trucking accident (I'm a former garbage man). Whiplash caused a bulging disc in my neck. Some tennis elbow in left arm from repetitive motion from being a garbage man. The neck is doing much better from Chiropractic care.

It was at a point wear I had a left side pinched nerve. Resulting in considerable left arm weakness. The strength has come back in the arm.
I’d just stay on TRT for a bit.

1. You’re already well past a true replacement dose aka gainzz city

2. Even if it was a true TRT I’d say just hang here for a bit. Gives you time to get dialed and set up AND you’ll have a good spot to come back to post blast.

3. If you needed TRT YOU WILL MAKE GAINS just by starting that (assuming diet and gym coincide with that). So milk the TRT gains then milk the first blast gains.

Tripple the gains

100% money back guarantee.
I definitely needed TRT. Levels were lower than what they should be. I'm talking 279 total T and 59 free. Pathetic but somehow I didn't look like total dog shit.

I've definitely made some gains being on 200 mg a week TRT. Haven't touched an AI as well. I gained about 20 lbs of muscle and some fat. Strength has definitely gone up. Libido has gone up considerably as well. I'm 5'11 and 200 lbs. I'm probably somewhere between 15% to 20% bodyfat unfortunately (guessing, I need a smart scale).

I guess I'm inpatient and looking to go to the next level.
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You are currently AT the next level!!

Get your TRT dialed in and continue making gains, then blast. I promise you won’t regret it.
How do you dial in? Gradually up the T till the aromatizing starts to get out of hand? Pushing to the threshold so to speak
I was in a bad trucking accident (I'm a former garbage man). Whiplash caused a bulging disc in my neck. Some tennis elbow in left arm from repetitive motion from being a garbage man. The neck is doing much better from Chiropractic care.

It was at a point wear I had a left side pinched nerve. Resulting in considerable left arm weakness. The strength has come back in the arm.
Going through the same exact thing a herniated disc In neck left arm weakness I'm bummed out about it, it's already atrophied some also my left lat. But strength is coming back some. Started getting left shoulder pain too probably from the muscle loss.

Just taking 250 test and 4ui gh ed trying to keep what I have an also recover.
I have decca and anavar on hand but hesitant to use it.
Since you mentioned "TRT". Take your time and read this post and whole thread is good.

Happy to answer questions. 8 weeks is early days. Resist the urge to get greedy. Your dose and serum levels (what is your injection protocol? Blood work at trough?) are already up there.

Revisit next steps with follow up safety panel blood work at 16 weeks, 3 months, 6 months.

CBC, CMP, PSA, lipids, ....

There is nothing stopping you from making tremendous progress over next 12 months if you have your nutrition and training locked in. Your current "TRT" protocol is my "blast" intermittently with my base "TRT" dosing of 80 to 120 mg/week.

Fun factoid: true TRT is 50 to 100 mg/week of test ester for 95%. Ok that 50 is pretty low so I will spot you 75 to 100 mg/week of test ester.

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Dial your TRT dose first, aka titrate up and down as needed to be in range and feel relatively good.

Then run a cycle, upping the test until you can't control the sides without extreme measures. That's you 1st cycle and your Test ceiling. Then add ana anabolic. All that in a span of 12 to 18 months
I apologize I should have been more detailed about my TRT history. I started at 90mg of Test C every 4 days for about 12 weeks and then I asked my clinic for it to be increased (I wanted more drive and energy, had a very physical job and wanted more drive to be able to hit the weights hard after work).

They agreed I could increase it to 200 mg once a week. I've been on the 200mg once a week for 8 weeks now. Total time on TRT, 20 weeks. I don't work at that shithole anymore. I can put more into my workouts.
Dial your TRT dose first, aka titrate up and down as needed to be in range and feel relatively good.

Then run a cycle, upping the test until you can't control the sides without extreme measures. That's you 1st cycle and your Test ceiling. Then add ana anabolic. All that in a span of 12 to 18 months
I appreciate the reply. Thank you
Since you mentioned "TRT". Take your time and read this post and whole thread is good.

Happy to answer questions. 8 weeks is early days. Resist the urge to get greedy. Your dose and serum levels (what is your injection protocol? Blood work at trough?) are already up there.

Revisit next steps with follow up safety panel blood work at 16 weeks, 3 months, 6 months.

CBC, CMP, PSA, lipids, ....

There is nothing stopping you from making tremendous progress over next 12 months if you have your nutrition and training locked in. Your current "TRT" protocol is my "blast" intermittently with my base "TRT" dosing of 80 to 120 mg/week.

Fun factoid: true TRT is 50 to 100 mg/week of test ester for 95%. Ok that 50 is pretty low so I will spot you 75 to 100 mg/week of test ester.

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A lot of good material there. Thank you
I would def also recommend running test cyp or enan 500 wk 12 weeks with bloods wk 6, keep aromasin on hand. I take 5 10 mg eod cuz I know my sides already but who knows you might not need it. Sustanon is also another good beginner cycle as well same deal just test.
Going through the same exact thing a herniated disc In neck left arm weakness I'm bummed out about it, it's already atrophied some also my left lat. But strength is coming back some. Started getting left shoulder pain too probably from the muscle loss.

Just taking 250 test and 4ui gh ed trying to keep what I have an also recover.
I have decca and anavar on hand but hesitant to use it.
How's the GH helping out? I should give that a try as well maybe.

What helped me was lifting light for a couple weeks and the Chiropractor. I had to stop Dumbell work on push days. My left arm was too weak. Had to stick to Barbell only. For some reason, pulling, I lost no strength.

Left shoulder would get very tight on shoulder days. Had to stretch it out between sets. That's doing much better but still gets tighter than the right delt.

Crazy how important the neck and spinal cord is for your body!
How's the GH helping out? I should give that a try as well maybe.

What helped me was lifting light for a couple weeks and the Chiropractor. I had to stop Dumbell work on push days. My left arm was too weak. Had to stick to Barbell only. For some reason, pulling, I lost no strength.

Left shoulder would get very tight on shoulder days. Had to stretch it out between sets. That's doing much better but still gets tighter than the right delt.

Crazy how important the neck and spinal cord is for your body!

I've been to the chiropractor a very good one who works on pro athletes I'll never go back for adjustments, mabe the deep tissue and little shock things. To each there own.

But yes I stick to a machine or barbell enless super light with dumbells the imbalance is crazy., an pain in front delt.i had like 140 grip strength right and 40 left lol.

Yea I even have numbness in my thumb an forefinger finger.