New guy here: Nandrolone, Test C and Anavar cycle

Dont add deca, just up your test, 400mg minimum and if you want to throw in anavar. Adding compounds just opens the door to many unwanted side effects. Deca can be a nightmare for some. Just my opinion.
Twice usually yields better e2 control
I'm actually second guessing my thoughts on increasing my T dose.

Strength is great, mass is great, libido great but I'm looking bloated. Still vascular (arms/shoulders) but slightly bloated in the face and abs.

Now that could be due to be bulking and zero cardio. My training is intense high volume heavy/atrophy work. Mix of both everyday. Sweat like a pig so I skip cardio entirely.
TRT has been a total of 20 weeks for me. 90 twice a week for 12 weeks and 200 once a week for 8. Felt better on the 200 than the 90 twice a week

With all due respect, how else do you find out the Minimum Effective Dose without cautiously testing the waters? What about Maximum Effective Dose while maintaining great markers?

See Fig. 1 (and the other figures). Notice the characteristic time unit is months not weeks.

8 weeks is very early times in terms of pharmacodynamics of exogenous testosterone. 3 months just for Hct to stabilize with new dose (RBC lifetime ~ 100 days). PSA, lipids, etc. Compare that with 4-5 weeks (characteristic pharmacokinetic time scale) for serum TT/FT levels to stabilize.

Stay at the 200 and be patient while doing your nutrition and training right. Revisit at 3 and 6 months plus the safety panels I mentioned above.

Notice your comment above...cautiously testing the waters.

Jumping up on dose after 8 weeks is not being cautious. You would be running an experiment but then changing parameters before you get the results back from the original knob settings. Stay disciplined (I understand it is hard; dosage creep is always a temptation but don't bail on your experiment yet).
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Can you just do the bike once a week? I don't want to burn a shit ton on calories. Bulking for the next several weeks or so
Cardiovascular health is something you don't want to ignore. On cycle is more important.

You don't burn a SHITON of calories with cardio and it will allow you to eat some more and add a fun piece of food in there without stressing out.

I lack in the cardio department lately and it's impacting my performance.

See Fig. 1 (and the other figures). Notice the characteristic time unit is months not weeks.

8 weeks is very early times in terms of pharmacodynamics of exogenous testosterone. 3 months just for Hct to stabilize with new dose (RBC lifetime ~ 100 days). PSA, lipids, etc. Compare that with 4-5 weeks (characteristic pharmacokinetic time scale) for serum TT/FT levels to stabilize.

Stay at the 200 and be patient while doing your nutrition and training right. Revisit at 3 and 6 months plus the safety panels I mentioned above.

Notice your comment above...cautiously testing the waters.

Jumping up on dose after 8 weeks is not being cautious. You would be running an experiment but then changing parameters before you get the results back from the original knob settings. Stay disciplined (I understand it is hard; dosage creep is always a temptation but don't bail on your experiment yet).
Can the bloating or water weight be minimalized while staying on my 200 mg a week? I'm guessing actually do some cardio, watch sodium intake.
Can you just do the bike once a week? I don't want to burn a shit ton on calories. Bulking for the next several weeks or so
Weirdly, yes- this is just one study but it looks like you can cram your 150 minutes of cardio into one or two days a week. For a good heart workout, it's OK to wait for the weekend, new research finds
Even you don't get in that much time, doing anything is still better than nothing. I bought a cheap stationary bike on Amazon so I can do mine at the opposite end of the day from my gym time (and play video games at the same time).
I seem to gain better with fasted cardio religiously every morning all health parameters in check and lean.

Also 200 test 200 deca nice little blast I’ve seen very good results from the exact same blast was huge but was looking natural-ish.
Can add great amount of muscle mass if you know what are y doing.