New guy here: Nandrolone, Test C and Anavar cycle

How's the GH helping out? I should give that a try as well maybe.

What helped me was lifting light for a couple weeks and the Chiropractor. I had to stop Dumbell work on push days. My left arm was too weak. Had to stick to Barbell only. For some reason, pulling, I lost no strength.

Left shoulder would get very tight on shoulder days. Had to stretch it out between sets. That's doing much better but still gets tighter than the right delt.

Crazy how important the neck and spinal cord is for your body!
I think the gh is doing wonders even my spine specialist told me give it a shot.
Dial your TRT dose first, aka titrate up and down as needed to be in range and feel relatively good.

Then run a cycle, upping the test until you can't control the sides without extreme measures. That's you 1st cycle and your Test ceiling. Then add ana anabolic. All that in a span of 12 to 18 months
The only side effect I've run into is the mental part. I take less shit in life in general now. Like a rebellious edge. Probably sounds immature as hell but I'll even push back on my wife when she tries to dominate a situation or conversation.
The only side effect I've run into is the mental part. I take less shit in life in general now. Like a rebellious edge. Probably sounds immature as hell but I'll even push back on my wife when she tries to dominate a situation or conversation.
If you can control your emotions, having alpha energy is not a side effect. They are called androgenic anabolic steroids for a reason
The only side effect I've run into is the mental part. I take less shit in life in general now. Like a rebellious edge. Probably sounds immature as hell but I'll even push back on my wife when she tries to dominate a situation or conversation.
See your dosing above. Watch out for that. Can ruin relationships and it comes subtle some times.
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I would def also recommend running test cyp or enan 500 wk 12 weeks with bloods wk 6, keep aromasin on hand. I take 5 10 mg eod cuz I know my sides already but who knows you might not need it. Sustanon is also another good beginner cycle as well same deal just test.
How much do you generally spend on labs? I'm talking everything you need done. I priced some near me and seems outrageous. My insurance only covers labs once a year.
How much do you generally spend on labs? I'm talking everything you need done. I priced some near me and seems outrageous. My insurance only covers labs once a year.
I use quest, and depending what lab's is anywhere from 30 to 199. It's worth it couple times a year and could be life saving.
I use quest, and depending what lab's is anywhere from 30 to 199. It's worth it couple times a year and could be life saving.
I usually only do 2 cycles a year the rest is cruise testprimo. I getv1 insurance lab and I pay for one so not a bad deal
How much do you generally spend on labs? I'm talking everything you need done. I priced some near me and seems outrageous. My insurance only covers labs once a year.
Go to ulta labs (they work through quest). Also make sure you use 20% off code on front page. Cheapest option I've found.

Discountedlabs is another one. I have a 20% off code for that if you want it.
Dial your TRT dose first, aka titrate up and down as needed to be in range and feel relatively good.

Then run a cycle, upping the test until you can't control the sides without extreme measures. That's you 1st cycle and your Test ceiling. Then add ana anabolic. All that in a span of 12 to 18 months
My timeline is this: 12 weeks of TRT 90mg Test C every 4 days. I asked and they bumped me up to 200 mg once a week, which I've been on for 8 weeks. Labs are perfect (according to a reliable experienced source). So have been on TRT a total of 20 weeks (5 months). Never touched an AI. No sides as well

At what point would you start to titrate up? I say up because I have no reason to go down. Is now the time, at this 20 week mark?

Latest labs (1 week ago)
Total T is at 1159 (max range 1100) , free test 325 (max range 155) Prolactin 13.3 (4.04-15.20 range), Estradiol 45.2 (11.3 to 43.2 range) , progesterone 0.37(0.00 to 0.15 range).
My timeline is this: 12 weeks of TRT 90mg Test C every 4 days. I asked and they bumped me up to 200 mg once a week, which I've been on for 8 weeks. Labs are perfect (according to a reliable experienced source). So have been on TRT a total of 20 weeks (5 months). Never touched an AI. No sides as well

At what point would you start to titrate up? I say up because I have no reason to go down. Is now the time, at this 20 week mark?

Latest labs (1 week ago)
Total T is at 1159 (max range 1100) , free test 325 (max range 155) Prolactin 13.3 (4.04-15.20 range), Estradiol 45.2 (11.3 to 43.2 range) , progesterone 0.37(0.00 to 0.15 range).
You are borderline out of range, I would set the base to 160-180 for starters. How is the lipids, creatinine and RBC/HTC?
You are borderline out of range, I would set the base to 160-180 for starters. How is the lipids, creatinine and RBC/HTC?
Total Cholesterol 176. <200
Hdl 56. 40-59 range
Tri's 86. 30-149 range
LDL 104. <100
Vldl 14 0-30 range
Non hdl cholesterol 120. <130

Creatinine 1.26. 0.70-1.30 range
RBC 5.25. 4.30-5.70 range
HCT 47.0% 39.0-53.0% range
Total Cholesterol 176. <200
Hdl 56. 40-59 range
Tri's 86. 30-149 range
LDL 104. <100
Vldl 14 0-30 range
Non hdl cholesterol 120. <130

Creatinine 1.26. 0.70-1.30 range
RBC 5.25. 4.30-5.70 range
HCT 47.0% 39.0-53.0% range
By my standards, you are g2g and start titrating up.
Where would you start? From 200 (what I'm doing now) and go up to 250mg a week and bloods after 6 weeks for example?
300-350, draw bloods in 6-8 weeks. If numbers are ok and you FEEL good too, repeat 500mg etc until you need AI more than 2x/week. That's you base cycle test. You can push things more but test usually starts to get "dirty" close to 1gr.

But that will carry you well into your first 2 cycles. Don't go over that for starters.

Then, you can add an anabolic. But bear in mind that it gets tricky. Px deca could accelerate e2 conversion for test. You need to watch BOTH numbers and feelz.
300-350, draw bloods in 6-8 weeks. If numbers are ok and you FEEL good too, repeat 500mg etc until you need AI more than 2x/week. That's you base cycle test. You can push things more but test usually starts to get "dirty" close to 1gr.

But that will carry you well into your first 2 cycles. Don't go over that for starters.

Then, you can add an anabolic. But bear in mind that it gets tricky. Px deca could accelerate e2 conversion for test. You need to watch BOTH numbers and feelz.
Let's say I go 300 to start. Do you inject once a week 300 or 150 Monday and 150 Thursday? Mind you, I've been doing 200 once a week (Mondays) for 8 weeks now
And he's off LOL!
Good luck Brother. The pull is strong.
Lol! TRT has been a total of 20 weeks for me. 90 twice a week for 12 weeks and 200 once a week for 8. Felt better on the 200 than the 90 twice a week. More drive, stronger, libido went up. Why not jump right in the shallow end?