New Member & First Question


New Member
Hello everyone, I saw this "new member introduction" thread so I thought I'd give it a try plus ask a question which I have always wondered about.
Been training for 10+ years now and have probably exhausted 95% of my natty gains so I am doing some preliminary research about enhancement.

My question is, since testosterone has a decent amount of androgenic side effects with a 100:100 anabolic/androgenic ratio, would it not be a smarter idea to rely more on less androgenic compounds to bear the brunt of the work in your cycle. Obviously you'd still need a test base, but besides a relatively minor dosage (200-250 mg/week) the rest of the "power" in this cycle would come from something else (Anavar, Primobolan, even Turinabol).

Like when I see people doing 500 mg Test cycles, I can't help but ask why they're doing that when they can instead do less Test (300 mg) and stack it with something much less androgenic like Primo and/or Anavar.

Of course this is assuming things like price isn't an issue.

All feedback is appreciated!
First cycle should always be test alone to see how you react to it and for your first run if your diet and training sleep and everything is good you’ll see Magor gains from just test
Androgenic to anabolic ratio isn’t reliable, but yes there are compounds that are more anabolic than androgenic. Test only cycles are recommended for beginners because it is only one compound, and if any issues arise it’s easier to take care of instead of scrambling to find out which compound is causing you the side effects.
Welcome to Meso.

To answer your question. No it would not be a smarter idea. Those ratios mean crap. Not particularly useful in real world applications.

Typically a test base is best as a rule. Exceptions are just that, exceptions. There are reasons for those but unless you have a specific reason, test is your best starting place.