New Member mid-40s


New Member
I’m new to this forum. On several others and trying to learn as much as possible. Primary care doctor put me on TRT because my numbers were extremely low, 100 for Total T. Have never previously used Testosterone, but my father was apparently similar and has been on TRT for over a decade.

Currently losing weight with tirzepatide, low carb, IM fasting and 3-5 day water fasting since that’s how much tirzepatide affects me. Last set of labs after a 72 hour fast and 6 days after ~30 mg dose of Testosterone C put me at:

Total T 606 ng/dL (100 ng/dL previous)
*SHBG 25.4 nmol/L
*Free T 142.5 pg/mL
*Estradiol 29.6 pg/mL
*PSA 0.9 ng/mL

*I do not have a baseline for these since they were not on the original order. Glucose was 66 mg/dL and ketones maxed out at 3+. Have lost around 34 pounds (11.7%) in 2 months and continuing to make progress. Still slowly healing an achilles with tendonitis that has bothered me for over 6 months due to a misstep while carrying my daughter on my shoulders.

Been experimenting with BPC157/TB500 to help heal the achilles. Would HGH help this?

Have noticed a considerable increase in energy and mood. Completely understand the drawbacks to increasing my Test C dosage so I have been trying to keep it in the mid range while I lose weight. Planning on labs in July to check my progress.

Will hopefully be able to start jogging soon.

Goal is to trim down to 175 lbs before I change gears.
HGH goes great in a healing stack with those peptides. Maybe add a collagen supplement too but you don't need it.
I’m new to this forum. On several others and trying to learn as much as possible. Primary care doctor put me on TRT because my numbers were extremely low, 100 for Total T. Have never previously used Testosterone, but my father was apparently similar and has been on TRT for over a decade.

Currently losing weight with tirzepatide, low carb, IM fasting and 3-5 day water fasting since that’s how much tirzepatide affects me. Last set of labs after a 72 hour fast and 6 days after ~30 mg dose of Testosterone C put me at:

Total T 606 ng/dL (100 ng/dL previous)
*SHBG 25.4 nmol/L
*Free T 142.5 pg/mL
*Estradiol 29.6 pg/mL
*PSA 0.9 ng/mL

*I do not have a baseline for these since they were not on the original order. Glucose was 66 mg/dL and ketones maxed out at 3+. Have lost around 34 pounds (11.7%) in 2 months and continuing to make progress. Still slowly healing an achilles with tendonitis that has bothered me for over 6 months due to a misstep while carrying my daughter on my shoulders.

Been experimenting with BPC157/TB500 to help heal the achilles. Would HGH help this?

Have noticed a considerable increase in energy and mood. Completely understand the drawbacks to increasing my Test C dosage so I have been trying to keep it in the mid range while I lose weight. Planning on labs in July to check my progress.

Will hopefully be able to start jogging soon.

Goal is to trim down to 175 lbs before I change gears.
Good luck to you man, we are in a similar boat, right down to the sore Achilles! How’s that progressing?

I’m starting TRT as soon as my clinic doc gets my prescription filled. My baseline bloods are T: 352 SHBG: 40 E2: 26.5. I’m on Tirz 3.5mg and have lost 30 pounds in 9 weeks, but I still have 35% BF (DEXA) and at least 40 pounds to go. Excited to get this going to complete my weight loss and transition into body composition mode.
Doing PT, my wife has me covered there. It’s slow progress with lots of stretching and working out the legs without weights. Can only walk for now, a lot. When I start jogging the heel striking the ground causes too much pain. Can’t jump either unless I land with my toes.

Changed my dose to 20mg Test C daily, 1mg bpc157/tb500 daily and 4 iu hgh before sleep. Only time will tell. Everything else feels good until I start jogging. Then reality hits.