
New Member
Hi Everyone, I'm new here. Looking for great convos and stuff to read on peds. I'm about a year and a half into my fitness based ped journey. I'm loving every minute of it. Esp A-bombs! Wowie! Really hoping to make friends to chat gear with and other things.
I'm eager to talk about gear, I really have no one in my life I can talk with about it that can add knowledge and good context to the convo. My gf is great at listening but knows nothing about it. So happy to be a part of this group!
Welcome to the board.

A year and a half is an excellent start. Best wishes moving forward.
Thanks! I freaking LOVE it all so far! The anadrol and dbol strength and neuroconnectivity enhancements are amazing! Glad I waited until 36 and gained lots of knowledge and studied up before starting, but I'm also like omg why did I wait