New Member


New Member

Name is Joe

Been lifting since I was 19. I’m 38. Currently 220lbs 5’10 and have been on prescribed TRT for a year now.

Past experiences with PEDs is why I am here. I worked at GNC during the early 2000s prohormone craze and made some terrible mistakes. Ultimately it led to having some minor gyno removed but the effects on my endocrine system long term were probably the worst. Therefore I’m here to learn as much as possible to keep my self healthy because I do like to blast and cruise.

Number 1 goal is to stay healthy.
Number 2 goal is to help others avoid my mistakes.
Number 3 is to continue to get stronger in my 40s and 50s because I believe it is possible.

super happy to be apart of your community and can’t wait to learn from you all!

Welcome to Meso! GNC in the 90s was crazy. Should write a book.
Oh yes GNC sold Cybergenics I believe too then and that shit was such a laughable scam. Worst $100 I ever spent.
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Welcome buddy. In same boat myself. Every day is a school day. Been around years but always want to learn more.