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New Member
Hello New member here. Well actually not new i have been using this forum on here for a while, until i recently learned about proper form etiquette. I would mainly just lurk at other post and information and may have even posted on here before without an introduction, but here it is now. Ive been using AAS for about 6 years, ive done a lot of cycles in the past years and really locked in my physique. I had a kid last year and have been so busy with home life and work life I have been putting the gym on the back burner. I also was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and have had multiple herniated disc at 27 years old. Ive done cortisone shots tried PT nothing really helps they wont operate on me because im too “young” not that i would want back surgery at 27 years old, my L5 S1 disc practically does not exist as it has just deteriorated over the years. I really wanted to start engaging with this community about peptide usage like BPC-157 because at this point ill try anything, Ive heard from multiple people about BPC-157 for there back pain and it working. I cant do certain exercises anymore like squats or certain leg exercises or anything lower back which causes me to lack in my physique. Now that my son is turning older i have more time to try and lock back in what i love doing. Thanks for reading if you do. Happy blasting!
Hello New member here. Well actually not new i have been using this forum on here for a while, until i recently learned about proper form etiquette. I would mainly just lurk at other post and information and may have even posted on here before without an introduction, but here it is now. Ive been using AAS for about 6 years, ive done a lot of cycles in the past years and really locked in my physique. I had a kid last year and have been so busy with home life and work life I have been putting the gym on the back burner. I also was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and have had multiple herniated disc at 27 years old. Ive done cortisone shots tried PT nothing really helps they wont operate on me because im too “young” not that i would want back surgery at 27 years old, my L5 S1 disc practically does not exist as it has just deteriorated over the years. I really wanted to start engaging with this community about peptide usage like BPC-157 because at this point ill try anything, Ive heard from multiple people about BPC-157 for there back pain and it working. I cant do certain exercises anymore like squats or certain leg exercises or anything lower back which causes me to lack in my physique. Now that my son is turning older i have more time to try and lock back in what i love doing. Thanks for reading if you do. Happy blasting!

That injury is not unheard of around here (L5 S1). BPC-157, TB500, and some others might help you avoid surgery depending on the severity.

If after EMG and MRI they're still recommending surgery, I wouldn't rule it out. At your age, recovery from surgery should be a walk in the park.
That injury is not unheard of around here (L5 S1). BPC-157, TB500, and some others might help you avoid surgery depending on the severity.

If after EMG and MRI they're still recommending surgery, I wouldn't rule it out. At your age, recovery from surgery should be a walk in the park.
Havent heard much about TB500 similar to BPC-157?
Hello New member here. Well actually not new i have been using this forum on here for a while, until i recently learned about proper form etiquette. I would mainly just lurk at other post and information and may have even posted on here before without an introduction, but here it is now. Ive been using AAS for about 6 years, ive done a lot of cycles in the past years and really locked in my physique. I had a kid last year and have been so busy with home life and work life I have been putting the gym on the back burner. I also was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and have had multiple herniated disc at 27 years old. Ive done cortisone shots tried PT nothing really helps they wont operate on me because im too “young” not that i would want back surgery at 27 years old, my L5 S1 disc practically does not exist as it has just deteriorated over the years. I really wanted to start engaging with this community about peptide usage like BPC-157 because at this point ill try anything, Ive heard from multiple people about BPC-157 for there back pain and it working. I cant do certain exercises anymore like squats or certain leg exercises or anything lower back which causes me to lack in my physique. Now that my son is turning older i have more time to try and lock back in what i love doing. Thanks for reading if you do. Happy blasting!

For god's sake do what you have to to get disc replacement and not fusion.

Are you very familiar with peptides? Can I Subq pin into my abdomen or do I need to pin near the injury?

Some discussions about the issue but these peps seem to act systemically. Can pin subq in abs.

We always like to stack the deck in our favor so if you got someone who can pin your low back area (closer to the site of injury), cool. Other than that, doesn't seem necessary.
For god's sake do what you have to to get disc replacement and not fusion.
Actually for almost the past year I have been doing pretty good flare up wise. I have been really trying to strengthen my core which I've noticed helps significantly. I also do daily stretches for lower back probably for 20 minutes a day, ice the shit out of it if its sore and a shit ton of ibuprofen. I also have a TENS which I use, so I think for now I am avoiding all that. But all it takes is one little slip up and be back like a cripple again lol. I have also noticed when I am blasting, my back usually never gets injured only when I am off I re injure it. Not sure if its due to the anti-inflammatory effects.
Some discussions about the issue but these peps seem to act systemically. Can pin subq in abs.

We always like to stack the deck in our favor so if you got someone who can pin your low back area (closer to the site of injury), cool. Other than that, doesn't seem necessary.
I'm sure my wife will love to hear I need her to pin me more lol. Generally where at in lower back as close as I can to the site of injury, do I need to worry about hitting anything doing Subq pins? I have never done them only intramuscular and I know its a bitch when you hit anything besides the muscle.
Actually for almost the past year I have been doing pretty good flare up wise. I have been really trying to strengthen my core which I've noticed helps significantly. I also do daily stretches for lower back probably for 20 minutes a day, ice the shit out of it if its sore and a shit ton of ibuprofen. I also have a TENS which I use, so I think for now I am avoiding all that. But all it takes is one little slip up and be back like a cripple again lol. I have also noticed when I am blasting, my back usually never gets injured only when I am off I re injure it. Not sure if its due to the anti-inflammatory effects.

This is not medical advice but if you can keep that up long-term, and maybe add in some things like BPC & TB, might be able to get out of this without surgery.

You might always be in the realm where low back strains are 10x worse for you than anyone else, but live carefully. No more backflips or deadlift PRs.
I'm sure my wife will love to hear I need her to pin me more lol. Generally where at in lower back as close as I can to the site of injury, do I need to worry about hitting anything doing Subq pins? I have never done them only intramuscular and I know its a bitch when you hit anything besides the muscle.

Subq is easy. Half inch 29 gauge pins, barely feel it. Anywhere in the abs or spare tire region. Can also do glutes or wherever you have a little fluff.

People prefer abs for convenience.
Subq is easy. Half inch 29 gauge pins, barely feel it. Anywhere in the abs or spare tire region. Can also do glutes or wherever you have a little fluff.

People prefer abs for convenience.
Can't you use Insulin pins as well for subq? Also Generally with BPC-157 how much should be administered and how frequently?
Actually for almost the past year I have been doing pretty good flare up wise. I have been really trying to strengthen my core which I've noticed helps significantly. I also do daily stretches for lower back probably for 20 minutes a day…
This is exactly what my orthopedist told me to do when I had two ruptured discs. He refused to do surgery because he said only 11% of those who get it have success with it.
I actually spoke with a nuerosurgeon about it, he literally told me strengthen the shit out of your core and use anti inflammatorys and you will manage your back pain for the rest of your life. I found 2 tylenol and 4 ibuprofen to work the best for me when a flare up starts. Just gotta be careful and not do dumb shit which is hard sometimes at a young age lol.
I actually spoke with a nuerosurgeon about it, he literally told me strengthen the shit out of your core and use anti inflammatorys and you will manage your back pain for the rest of your life. I found 2 tylenol and 4 ibuprofen to work the best for me when a flare up starts. Just gotta be careful and not do dumb shit which is hard sometimes at a young age lol.
Right on man, it’s easy to do at an old age too lol. I forget I’m not in my 40’s anymore, and yes I know - that’s not young either.
I actually spoke with a nuerosurgeon about it, he literally told me strengthen the shit out of your core and use anti inflammatorys and you will manage your back pain for the rest of your life. I found 2 tylenol and 4 ibuprofen to work the best for me when a flare up starts. Just gotta be careful and not do dumb shit which is hard sometimes at a young age lol.
Something to consider also would be natural anti-inflammatory foods, like ginger and turmeric as a regular part of your diet. Not sure how often you use Tylenol and ibuprofen, just suggesting a more liver friendly approach.