New memeber


New Member
Ive been lurking for some time on the forums here.
Currently 260lb at 5' 11", deep into a bulk (lots of water and a bit more fat than I'm comfortable with). I was 228 and relatively lean before starting my bulk back in September. My goal is to get as big as possible while keeping health in a reasonable range. I'm considering competing in the future but loose skin from being previously a fat fuck is a bit of a hindrance (280lb durring covid after gyms closed. Ended up sedentary and depressed).
Currently running 6iu gh, 20iu lantus, 1g test, 400 dhb after a long taper up. Planning on a 4 week cut and swapping out dhb for npp and mast p for the last 6 weeks. Telmisartan and metformin as auxiliaries currently and into the future.
Working weights on common exercises are 335 bench for 6-8 paused bottom, 400lb stiff legs paused bottom for sets of 10, 7 plates and some change on leg press for sets of 12 (also paused bottom), 180lb db rows for sets of 8, minimal body english.
My favourite pose is the rear double glute spread