Strive For Moreee

Thats crazy , can't believe I hear that .
So sorry about it . At least you can do some lower body exercises .
Keep it up and hopefully you heal fast
Thanks man. Its been a string of some unfortunate luck the last couple weeks. Pretty soon here just gonna start hitting lower body and core a couple times a week. Just gonna let the hand completely heal up before hitting weights again. Im already completely tired of this shit i dont wanna prolong it any further
This recovery has definitely been stressful. Hand seems to be doing okay but i still have a good 12 days of antibiotics left to see if this infection is neutralized. If not then its more than likely localized around the hardware in my hand which makes it near impossible to rid of infection without removing the existing hardware and replace it with new.

Up side just got done with an interview for a position as Fitness Director at a gym not too fsr from my place. I feel it went very well so im looking forward to hearing back from them soon.
So they may have put dirty hardware in your hand or you may just had/have a bad reaction to it? What other hardware is available?

I hope u get the job, we need some good fucking news for once!!
So they may have put dirty hardware in your hand or you may just had/have a bad reaction to it? What other hardware is available?

I hope u get the job, we need some good fucking news for once!!
Could have been a number of things man i wish i knew and wish they could pinpoint it directly but its extremely hard to do in this situation. I just really hope i dont have to get surgery again and start back at square one with recovery.

Im hoping i get the position as well and that this doesnt interfere with the job at all. I need some decent news for a change haha
Good luck at your interview. I just applied somewhere yesterday and I'm hoping I haven't used up all my luck in the gym lately. Sounds like you're due for some good luck.
Good luck at your interview. I just applied somewhere yesterday and I'm hoping I haven't used up all my luck in the gym lately. Sounds like you're due for some good luck.
Thanks man. I actually just read your posts about your application as well. Hopefully we both have some good luck. Im ready to be healed up and be able to actually lift again already. Im already down 30lbs its mentally taxing
Thanks man. I actually just read your posts about your application as well. Hopefully we both have some good luck. Im ready to be healed up and be able to actually lift again already. Im already down 30lbs its mentally taxing

I hear you. I've never had anything as bad as what you have. Just minor stuff that's kept me off stuff for months at a time, but could still at least train other stuff. Even that was depressing.
After the bad things always coming the good . Hopefully your hand getting better and don't have to do another surgery.
And you will get the new position
Gotta believe. .. pray for you !
Little update guys. So I'm currently in recovery from my last surgery on my left hand due to an infection that occurred post op. It will be 2 weeks untill hammer time and what I've decided to run as a recomp cycle is 600/600 test e and tren e. Also thank you for the sources that have reschedule out to me as well as members of Meso. As usual i will have a very descriptive log with pics, nutrition, and ttraining. Will most likely start that in a new thread when the time comes and let this one come to an end since its been running 2+ years know.