Long Off-Season to Classic D Class Weight Cap

The side by side almost defines logic. Gotta ask, is your wife a fan? I stick out like a giant swollen thumb here and mine gets a little annoyed at people always staring.

She’s pretty impartial, but she doesn’t really like when I am bulking because I get pretty aggressive with the food and become pretty fat, and my snoring becomes bad. In terms of attention, it kind of makes her insecure because women on social media in this country can be kind of out of pocket and so can the ones at bars and so on during the rare occasions I socialize with friends
Damn so small update. I have been using too little gear this entire time… my coach realized I have been pinning e3d and not e2d based on an answer I made about my eq use on another forum.

I did not know eod is e2d and so I’ve been pinning a lot less gear especially on blast…

each week on cruise im several hundred mg lower than my protocol calls for, and my highest blast point I was probably using 800mg-1g less than I was supposed to.

I’m very glad my coach paid this much attention and it will really accelerate my progress.

I’m still very happy with how this year has gone and my blood work on highest point of blast looked. That being said I hope this means that 1. My response to growth on a conservative dosage is not bad, and that this year because my gear use will be higher I’m going to see an even bigger change.
EOD = Every Other Day

That's pretty wild man. If you responded that well running things low, imagine what's going to happen this round not to mention the extra room you now have to expand dosage wise.
EOD = Every Other Day

That's pretty wild man. If you responded that well running things low, imagine what's going to happen this round not to mention the extra room you now have to expand dosage wise.

Yeah I know haha, I didn’t realize eod and e2d are the same thing on account of being a giant autistic moron. But yeah actually it makes me even more optimistic. Live & learn I suppose
My blood work as required before next push.
Some items will be out Monday. I won’t get input from my coach til Monday, but I’m not really concerned with any of these results I’m seeing. I’m not including test because 300 more mg of any compounds the result is out of the test range to report. In the thyroid exam because I am fasted and I didn’t take my T4 yet, so that might be why my T4 is out of range.
I will see what my coach wants to do about this, as I’m not well informed about thyroid manipulation.
Hematocrit is .4% out of range. I asked if I should donate blood tomorrow, before my check in, but I was told not to worry, since this is fine due to lab standards being poorly selected for this specific test. My cholesterol of course will be slightly out of range, as it is with steroid use. My ldl is actually better now than it was on my first blast.
I think my insulin sensitivity looks fine. Again on this topic I will wait for coach input because I am new to the ins and outs of manipulating and monitoring this.

Hopefully this indicates I am healthy enough to push in my off season.