New to this

Hello everyone,

As my thread said I'm new. I wanted to start by saying I'm excited to be here but I've been hesitant on posting. I've seen a lot of people bashing those who are new /"asking stupid questions". I for one think there are no stupid questions just stupid answers. So please if you aren't willing to give aid please move on.

Ok so my story is I've been working out off and on for 5 years. Last year around December 2015 I started going hard and I have been going strong since. Well there was a point six months in that I started feeling really burnt out and down. So I went to the dr and turns out that I was low on testosterone. So I've been getting a shot every two weeks up until last week where i asked to get one weekly. I found out it's better that way. There giving me 150m test weekly. Since then I feel basically back to normal. So this past weekend a friend of mind who I've known for a while and who's knows my story told me about Nordic fusions test injections. I was interested so I said let's do it. So I inject 500m of Nordic and get my 150m from dr weekly now( only 1 Pin of 500m Nordic so far )

It's testosterone 250 10ml bottles.

My workout plan is on point and my diet is pure clean foods and I use my fitness pal to record what I eat / calorie count.

Ok so my questions are as followed:
Is this an appropriate amount I'm injecting
Is Nordic fusion the way to go and why / why not( I ask because I see a lot of people bashing them)
I use 1.5 inch pin and use glutes but have only been injected by others, is there somewhere that can teach me to do it solo?
And is there any risks I should be aware of ?

I realize I should have asked prior to going along with this but I trusted my friebd and still do. I just saw all the bashing and got a little concerned.

Any responses that are respectful would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again in advance!!
Im new and I dont have all the answers but in a short amount of time I have learned that the members here want you to introduce yourself in the introduction thread in general discussion. Ask about sources in the suorces section etc.... As to reviews on sources, it could be anything for their gear is low dosed, bunk or something different all together. Their turnaround time for deliver isnt what is advertised or too slow, stuff like that and lots of other things. I have no input on that particular lab. Also if you want help or direction with what you are doing or taking, they like specifics. Such as amounts and frequency of dosage and how long the cycle. And they want your demographics. Age, weight, bf% and how long you have been lifting.

Lastly if you have any nude or semi nude pics of your girlfriend to show off they seem to like that as well, no joke amd no offense intended. Also the search function is a pretty awesome tool you can use, FYI. Good Luck.
You are already low TT So are you planning to blast and cruise ?
Also you got one single 500mg shot?
Why not split ?
250mg Monday 250 mg Thursday .
Do you have Any AI just in case ?

Also about doing solo injection you need to learn by your self .
Google the different muscles you can pin.
Personally I prefer delts and glutes.
And yes learn/read about proper sterilization.
You need to follow this basic procedures . If you don't, I'm pretty sure you will come back later crying for a golf ball lump in your ass !
Just being sarcastic ; but yeah it happens.
You are already low TT So are you planning to blast and cruise ?
Also you got one single 500mg shot?
Why not split ?
250mg Monday 250 mg Thursday .
Do you have Any AI just in case ?

Also about doing solo injection you need to learn by your self .
Google the different muscles you can pin.
Personally I prefer delts and glutes.
And yes learn/read about proper sterilization.
You need to follow this basic procedures . If you don't, I'm pretty sure you will come back later crying for a golf ball lump in your ass !
Just being sarcastic ; but yeah it happens.

What I meant was I just started a cycle. So I've injected 500m so far. Same day as I get my 150m injection from my dr. So that's 650m each week on Saturdays.

On my blood work 6 months ago is said my test was at 5/27. Apparently normal or acceptable is at least 6/27 so I was 1 point down. So I feel the 150m my dr gives me puts me back to normal. Then I pin an extra 500m when I get home of my own Nordic fusion.

I also am very clean and sterile using alcohol cleaning everything. I also fill with one pin and switch it to a new one when injecting to skin.
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