Newbie having questions !


New Member
Hey guys,
I am new to the superior type of "supplements/protein". I am training for about 3 years, 3 to 6 times a week (normally about 5 to 6 but you know how it is). I had about 6 months ago a heavy accident and lost muscles now I have regained most of my strength but still have high fat %. I am 195 cm tall and 90-92 KG. I want to do DNP to loose fat and than Test to gain muscles. I read that high fat % increases the side effects of a test cycle, is that true ? I am really interested into how to do it a safe way. I already have test, pct and on the hunt for DNP.

I am interested to hear from you guys !
Funilly the person I got test from had it tested and did it under MD supervision and had some left. DNP is another story, don't know much about it. Why would you choose Cardarine over DNP ?
Unless you're on TRT under an MD's supervision, there's no "safe way" to use gear. You're making a Faustian bargain with the juice devil with some serious black market drugs that are going to drastically alter your endocrine system. There's nothing "safe" about any of that. What you can do is use gear conservatively. That doesn't necessarily make it "safe," but you can gauge side effects before they get out of hand that way. You can use the sarm cardarine in place of DNP. I've never used SARMS because they're faked more often than steroids are, but that's the risk you take on the black market.
Funilly the person I got test from had it tested and did it under MD supervision and had some left. DNP is another story, don't know much about it. Why would you choose Cardarine over DNP ?
Are you under an MD's supervision? If not, there yo go.
Tbh imo, no BF doesn't effect test. If you're training and working hard it should improve fat loss and speed up the process. But it's not a miracle substance. It can cause sides it can cause complications. Calories and laziness cause fat. Low test high estrogen can cause fat. I have used gear as high as 20% bF and dropped 10% well on gear
Are you under an MD's supervision? If not, there yo go.
At the moment I have 2 options. A MD friend of mine says he has no clue but can get me the blood test and look at results or I can pay a small fee and get a specialist for steroids. they are not allowed to condone this behaviour but will minimise risks. Unfortunately DNP is totally unknown in my country.
Tbh imo, no BF doesn't effect test. If you're training and working hard it should improve fat loss and speed up the process. But it's not a miracle substance. It can cause sides it can cause complications. Calories and laziness cause fat. Low test high estrogen can cause fat. I have used gear as high as 20% bF and dropped 10% well on gear
Very interesting. Thank you ! I nearly train daily as I have a gym in my building but many people told me that you have to gain weight during cycle ?
Very interesting. Thank you ! I nearly train daily as I have a gym in my building but many people told me that you have to gain weight during cycle ?
Yeah test doesn't cause fat lol estrogen will though. Most obesity males have lower T higher E levels. There is a concensus in the body building world of not doing juice till your all ready lean but my personal experience I shredded more fat well on gear than not since you need to be calorie defect to loose weight the gear allows you to keep muscle
Yeah test doesn't cause fat lol estrogen will though. Most obesity males have lower T higher E levels. There is a concensus in the body building world of not doing juice till your all ready lean but my personal experience I shredded more fat well on gear than not since you need to be calorie defect to loose weight the gear allows you to keep muscle
Thank you so much ! Its my first cycle so I want max benefits
I am really interested into how to do it a safe way. I already have test, pct and on the hunt for DNP.

I am interested to hear from you guys !
Hey man,
I see a lot of good suggestions for alternatives to DNP. I just want to say, as someone who's done more than one cycle of DNP, my last one was /the/ last one for a reason. It potentially has some really nasty side effects and I got quite the scare when I woke up one day not being able to feel my feet at all. Don't fuck with the DNP. DNP and "safe way" doesn't go in the same sentence. If you really want to cut down using supplements, then the tried and tested clen + t3 and yohimbine/rauwolscine will get you all the results you're looking for.

Don't skimp out on your health though. Go get your panels done before, during and after your cycle, so you know what's up.
Very interesting. Thank you ! I nearly train daily as I have a gym in my building but many people told me that you have to gain weight during cycle ?
Also less is Best, if you have never ran a thing in your life you can make amazing gains on 250mg of test alone. I'm not big on suggest bigger doses. But 250-500 is a good range.

But blood work is key even private blood work at least to follow your kindey liver lipids estrogen test levels etc.