Newbie stack

assuming you alrrady did ur research and actualy know what your doing and how to run gear safely and properly, id go with test, eq and tbol.

probably going to get hated on for this but id run the test and eq at a gram a week each for 20 weeks and the tbol 100mg daily for the first and last 8 weeks of the cycle. and of course, if your wanting to be more conservitave, just half the doses.

so this cycle would look something like this:

weeks 1-8: test E 500-1000mg, EQ 570-1140mg, Tbol 50-100mg daily

weeks 9-12: run same doses and drop tbol

weeks 13-20: same dose but add the tbol back in.

weeks 21+: run a cruise

imo, pct is dumb. if your going to uses steroids, theres a 99% chance your not doing a single cycle and quitting, so id do blasting and cruising vs fully coming off. not only will it help sustain gains much better but its arguably healthier due to less hormanal fuckery and fluctiations

price will vary greatly. are you buting from china? shit will be pennies? buying from a "posh" domestic ugl? get ready to sell your kidneys for a vial of test.

no idea how much bloodwork costs in the eu but i like to get bloods done 4-6 times a year(im not rich, its just free, im canadian)

as far as diet goes, same old healthy diet you would be eating natural.

also recomend getting a fully comprehensive multivitamin and use an app like cronometer to see if your diet and supplements hit all the micronutrient goals
Wont be buying from china thats for sure, will try to look for a good site here to buy from, ill be soon working in a country at a job that pays so well, blood work isnt alot here like 100? I think
Im thinking of just test for now yes, ik this shit is not smth to joke abt or do only for a few months, im ready to go full time roids
the most important thing is money. and im not talking about for gear, but for bloodwork and ancillaries for side effects
There are many guys that don't want to spend $70 to determine their estrogen level, and then get various side effects related to estrogen or trying to control it and guessing. or spend $50 on a blood pressure monitor.
depending on your country all the ancillaries may be very expensive, if you are in the united states you will be spending a TON more for these medications because you cannot easily buy them in a pharmacy.

I started gear at 19. so I can't tell you not to, but you must pick a testosterone dose, stick with it, dial in your estrogen and buy a TON of everything to keep around. You're young so you'll want to get into tren and everything quickly but this would be a huge mistake. Trying to manage side effects at your age and determine the cost/benefit analysis is impossible

if i could do it all over again I would do 250mg for 2 months, 500mg for 3 months, and increase little by little if I wanted to.

also all ugl gear comes from china in one way or another anyway
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the most important thing is money. and im not talking about for gear, but for bloodwork and ancillaries for side effects
There are many guys that don't want to spend $70 to determine their estrogen level, and then get various side effects related to estrogen or trying to control it and guessing. or spend $50 on a blood pressure monitor.
depending on your country all the ancillaries may be very expensive, if you are in the united states you will be spending a TON more for these medications because you cannot easily buy them in a pharmacy.

I started gear at 19. so I can't tell you not to, but you must pick a testosterone dose, stick with it, dial in your estrogen and buy a TON of everything to keep around. You're young so you'll want to get into tren and everything quickly but this would be a huge mistake. Trying to manage side effects at your age and determine the cost/benefit analysis is impossible

if i could do it all over again I would do 250mg for 2 months, 500mg for 3 months, and increase little by little if I wanted to.

also all ugl gear comes from china in one way or another anyway
agreed with this. Cannot stress a very comprehensive bloodwork panel every 4-8 weeks enough. And the at-home bp monitor (checked 1-3x weekly minimum) is a must
Here is a thread on blood work
