Newbie w/ legal skills


New Member

I would like to introduce myself. I've been reading everything here for last days craving for every info. Since I am an experienced lawyer with a wide experience in opsec I decided to sign up this forum. Maybe I could help someone some time. Generally I think this area is really omitted and should not be. Many problems can be avoided or resolved with good practice and basic legal knowledge.

I would like to introduce myself. I've been reading everything here for last days craving for every info. Since I am an experienced lawyer with a wide experience in opsec I decided to sign up this forum. Maybe I could help someone some time. Generally I think this area is really omitted and should not be. Many problems can be avoided or resolved with good practice and basic legal knowledge.
Welcome.. and you are 100% correct sir. I've had many years of freedom thanks to good practices and good lawyers who know the law very well.
Thanks for your reply. I have long experience in similar areas and when I found this one about 3 years ago I was really surprised that many people in this thing do not care about opsec/legal enough. At least from my POV.

From my experience you can avoid 90 % of problems just doing enough prevention and the rest can be typically resolved completely or at least damage controlled... But the worst scenario is when you start looking for opsec and legal the moment when it is already late. Already seen too many stories.