Seeking advice for future cycle considerations

I can say this, all the enegery you putting into getting your cycle perfect will make a 1-2 percent difference

if you can put 1/10th the research into your training and diet, you will get good results

your focusing on the wrong things
I just like to focus on all the things. AAS is the new focus because of the length of time I’ve been away from the subject. If I plan to use them research is necessary.

They will be a minor part in the overall picture, but an integral part in my health.

I do appreciate that I know you will keep me on my toes throughout this and accountable.
I just like to keep it simple. a cruise is 250mg test. a blast up it a bit, and add a compound. get blood work every now and then to check your liver, kidneys, blood pressure. stay lean = have no health issues. then focus on diet and training. rinse, repeat.

200 test 200 tren
then 200 test 50 drol ED
then take a break 200 test 100 mast for 10 weeks
then tren in again, or drol, then take it easy

rinse and repeat. the log book should be going up. maybe the weight, but the body should always be lean.
I just like to keep it simple. a cruise is 250mg test. a blast up it a bit, and add a compound. get blood work every now and then to check your liver, kidneys, blood pressure. stay lean = have no health issues. then focus on diet and training. rinse, repeat.

200 test 200 tren
then 200 test 50 drol ED
then take a break 200 test 100 mast for 10 weeks
then tren in again, or drol, then take it easy

rinse and repeat. the log book should be going up. maybe the weight, but the body should always be lean.
Simple and no health issues sounds awesome to me. My final week in therapy here and then it’s back to the gym. Can’t wait.
Since discussing the importance of leaning up I’ve dropped below my maintenance, and shed 3lbs so far.
Nearly 2 months since all the discussion around this. My original idea was to get prepared for a cycle around a month or two from now; so don’t worry steroids, I haven’t forgotten about you.

Tendon strength is continuing to progress and feeling damn close to ready for pre-injury weights

After a lot of thought and consideration, at 37 my girl and I have decided to try for a baby and the goalie has been pulled.
So I may be holding off on a cycle for a bit longer.

My most recent thoughts for a cycle are similar:
300+ test
With the addition of an oral on the back end.