Seeking advice for future cycle considerations

Yea for sure. I think the big thing for that one is making sure the harness is positioned right lol. Pinches the fuck out of my hips sometimew but that pain is just superficial compared to my lower back...

Vertical leg press is another solid option if you have one.
Yeah l can see the pinching of the hips might get uncomfortable as l get more and more weight hanging. At the moment it's not to bad because l am doing high reps with only 50-60kg hanging. Anyway small price to pay for a sound lower back.
Can anyone touch on how long realistically a guy in my position would want to be lifting again as related to strengthen tendons and other connective tissue before introducing aas? I am in no rush.

14 months since injury. Last 3-4 months I have had actual good therapy with high volume.
Use 250mg test and max out that first. Way too many guys run too much gear and don't look much different than average gym goers. It's what you put in work what counts not the amount of gear.
Use 250mg test and max out that first. Way too many guys run too much gear and don't look much different than average gym goers. It's what you put in work what counts not the amount of gear.
I agree that a lower dose should give me amazing results when the time comes. Good to get that kind of confirmation from a few guys now.
We're you planning to actually cycle or blast and cruise
I plan to cycle.
Pre-cycle bloods will help me confirm that and if all checks out for a good recovery after the fact that will be the final tell.

If I get two cycles in before I am 40 I will be happy. I just turned 37 in the last 2 months. Recovery of natural function is important to me.
At my age I know it’s not the popular option, but I would like to give it a solid go. I feel very good. My energy is high, libido is strong, and all that good stuff.

My hope is make some serious progress in the next number of months. And then run a cycle to help expedite my recovery and my loses from my injury. Since I’m nearing 40 I’ve only got so much time.
Because I don’t intend on getting to point where I would need larger TrT doses to maintain my mass, if I can restore my hpta axis then I would like to continue naturally from those couple cycles as long as possible.
I think because I intend for only a couple cycles I would like to make use of being shutdown anyway and get in that 350mg range.

Feel out that 250mg range a bit as some guys have suggested and all goes well get up to 350.

If I were to use test prop and make better use of those first few weeks I’ll know how I react much sooner
I think because I intend for only a couple cycles I would like to make use of being shutdown anyway and get in that 350mg range.

Feel out that 250mg range a bit as some guys have suggested and all goes well get up to 350.

If I were to use test prop and make better use of those first few weeks I’ll know how I react much sooner
Nah. I wouldn't. Some people also front load test. I am probably a bigger fan of front loading long acting medications.

If you are gonna cycle, it may be best to use prop on the tail to get off. But someone more knowledgeable on actual cycling might be a more beneficial on the getting off portion than me.
the guys 40 or so I see in the gym, there are 2 types. the lean older guys that look great, muscular and lean, then the dad bods, or dad bods with pecs and arms. none of the dad bods look good. if you get lean, when you add in test that water will go into the muscle for fullness, rather than fat, estrogen, bloating etc
Nah. I wouldn't. Some people also front load test. I am probably a bigger fan of front loading long acting medications.

If you are gonna cycle, it may be best to use prop on the tail to get off. But someone more knowledgeable on actual cycling might be a more beneficial on the getting off portion than me.
IIRC, that's correct. Using prop towards the end of the cycle is best if you plan on doing PCT. Switching to prop at some point in the cycle allows the longer esters to clear your system -- How Long Does Testosterone Stay In Your System? - Mental Health Daily
Nah. I wouldn't. Some people also front load test. I am probably a bigger fan of front loading long acting medications.

If you are gonna cycle, it may be best to use prop on the tail to get off. But someone more knowledgeable on actual cycling might be a more beneficial on the getting off portion than me.
What do you like about front loading compared to prop to start?
Or would starting with my planned dose with E or C right from the beginning for a slow taper up be best.
IIRC, that's correct. Using prop towards the end of the cycle is best if you plan on doing PCT. Switching to prop at some point in the cycle allows the longer esters to clear your system -- How Long Does Testosterone Stay In Your System? - Mental Health Daily
I will definitely look further into this. My understanding has been that the ester slowly tapers you down based on its action.
the guys 40 or so I see in the gym, there are 2 types. the lean older guys that look great, muscular and lean, then the dad bods, or dad bods with pecs and arms. none of the dad bods look good. if you get lean, when you add in test that water will go into the muscle for fullness, rather than fat, estrogen, bloating etc
Yeah I’d rather be in the muscular and lean category. Dad bod’s are out, lean and mean is in.
The love for dad bods was just an excuse for chicks to not have to be accountable for their own bodies. Haha.
Easier to put on those pounds if your partner does
What do you like about front loading compared to prop to start?
Or would starting with my planned dose with E or C right from the beginning for a slow taper up be best.

I will definitely look further into this. My understanding has been that the ester slowly tapers you down based on its action.
I am blasting and crusing. So I wouldn't need prop.

It's just medical practice where they may utilize loading doses of medicine to reach target serum drug levels faster. I just lean to it

I think test c is always the best. Too many issues with poor brewing of test e imo.

You could use 1.5x target dose the first week if you want.
@Cridi887. The concept makes sense. Enough that I did front load my first week back in 2014.

I have been seeing more being said about C these days too and figured that would be my route before spitballing the idea prop.

So for you prop doesn’t make sense, but what about in my situation. You don’t sound like a fan, can I ask why?
@Cridi887. The concept makes sense. Enough that I did front load my first week back in 2014.

I have been seeing more being said about C these days too and figured that would be my route before spitballing the idea prop.

So for you prop doesn’t make sense, but what about in my situation. You don’t sound like a fan, can I ask why?
It's not that I'm not a fan.

I am originally on trt. I don't come off. My wife and I don't plan on kids either.

There is no reason for me to cycle. My natural production sucks regardless.

Prop does make sense at the end of a cycle to come off so your test comes out of your system faster than prolonged suffering and allows the hpta to reboot faster.

Essentially test prop and test c would be out of your system at the same time and allow the reboot of your HPTA.

Some people may blast and cruise for multiple blast and then come off. I have to do more reading on benefits of that over cycling.
Some people may blast and cruise for multiple blast and then come off. I have to do more reading on benefits of that over cycling.
Seems like mixed reviews on recovery or not after blasting and cruising for an intended shorter period. It’s something I also want to look further into. So far what I’ve come across seems very different person to person, like all things.

In one way I’m sure bouncing back and fourth between cycle-pct-cycle-pct would be needlessly hard on the system especially if a guy planned to follow up with a cycle in a relative time on=time off scenario. (Which I don’t plan to do if I run a couple cycles)

On the other hand I can’t help but think that the longer a person if shut down the harder a recovery will be.
Seems like mixed reviews on recovery or not after blasting and cruising for an intended shorter period. It’s something I also want to look further into. So far what I’ve come across seems very different person to person, like all things.

In one way I’m sure bouncing back and fourth between cycle-pct-cycle-pct would be needlessly hard on the system especially if a guy planned to follow up with a cycle in a relative time on=time off scenario. (Which I don’t plan to do if I run a couple cycles)

On the other hand I can’t help but think that the longer a person if shut down the harder a recovery will be.
I would think that blast and cruising for 1.5-2 years would be beneficial followed by a 6 month PCT. But I am just speculating. I would probably go off of what people with more expertise would suggest
I would think that blast and cruising for 1.5-2 years would be beneficial followed by a 6 month PCT. But I am just speculating. I would probably go off of what people with more expertise would suggest
If you commit then you stay on forever. To me this 2 years on is just fucking around nothing more and imagine how hard it is to recover mentally from such thing after staying on for couple of years then to feel like complete dead man walking for who knows how long just to maybe recover on paper, not reality...
If you commit then you stay on forever. To me this 2 years on is just fucking around nothing more and imagine how hard it is to recover mentally from such thing after staying on for couple of years then to feel like complete dead man walking for who knows how long just to maybe recover on paper, not reality...
Yeah I'm no expert, but it'd make more sense to do a couple of blasts/cruises, then go down to a TRT dose for the foreseeable future. TRT, as in ACTUAL TRT (~60mg-120mg p/w) is healthy as you get older. I know there's people that swear by Enclomiphene mono-therapy as well. @cdoubleu
Yeah I'm no expert, but it'd make more sense to do a couple of blasts/cruises, then go down to a TRT dose for the foreseeable future. TRT, as in ACTUAL TRT (~60mg-120mg p/w) is healthy as you get older. I know there's people that swear by Enclomiphene mono-therapy as well. @cdoubleu
So this is something that does make me wonder for true trt doses.

The elevated of high normal is normally associated with people who workout heavily because your body does adapt to having a higher test level. If you don't workout as much, would it make more sense to stick to a lower level?. I have no idea.