Are you on medication? Im serious..what on earth is the matter with you?? You are the most emotionally unstable and easily excitable person on this site. Are you even capable of having a normal conversation or submitting an opinion without acting like a juvenile? For a medical professional, you act extremely unstable and immature. I would seriously take a long look at your behavior if i were you - get a grip, man.
Now, about the rubber particles; if you actually believe that using an 18g pin to draw over and over again - often 20 times + depending on the chosen ester and amount required - will not occasionally produce very small particles of rubber from using a large needle (18g), then my friend you have been asleep for the past 20 years. Ive had this happen several times with multiple manufactures including Organon BEFORE switching to a 21g to draw. And i have known MANY bodybuilders in real life and online who have experienced this EXACT issue as well. Of all the stupid shit you say, this one really takes the cake.
Furthermore, Im not willing to discuss this with you any further as i honestly feel you have mental issues beyond what im willing to ignore.
Google it, Jim.
p.s. yes, im aware that you can be an asset to this board, but you really need to control your foolish outbursts.