Nolva or Torem

Evil Angel 89

New Member
Would like some advice from the experienced here. Is one better than the other assuming both are phram grade? On an upcoming cycle I planned on taking 10mg Nolva throughout my cycle with ADEX as I'm prone to gyno then taking nolva and clom for PCT. Can I take Torem the same way I have taken Nolva in the past? I ask because it is a lot easier for me to get Pharm grade Torem right now than Nolva.
Your experience, stats and details of your planned cycle.

Nolva is more tried&proven, so to speak. Torem is a newer compound and less common in bb circles, so keep in mind there are less people who have used it and protocols are not as estabilished as with tamoxifene. I actually switched to torem for a couple of years now, but before going into that discussion I'd like to hear more info on your cycle experience and what you're planning to do.

Here's the number 1 advice, though, based solely on my experience. If you want to use torem for the first time, you want to have on hand your standard pct medications in case you need to bail. Oh, and do bloods. But that's advice number 0 ;)
Which SERM has the most evidence based research as TX for GYNECOMASTIA ?

I hope your "access" is Pharm for either SERMS