Nolvadex Strange Case Question ?


New Member
HI all

at teenage around 13-16 i was havig a gynomastia but in normal size and not noticed but even that i read on internet that there a medecine called Nolvadex tamoxfin using for reduce gynomastia so i used at age 15-16years old at 30mg/daily for 30day just to see if can clear my gynomastia btw before i took Nolvadex my T and E2 was very normal and in range
and after taking nolvadex i noticed many problems as increasing in fat body and lossing in body hair and very decrease in testicals size and sure more grow in gynomastia so i made E2 and found it was very high and now i am at 21 and still have all these effects and do not know why my body do not back to normal because at past before taking nolvadex my body was very good shape and just had the very small gynomastia and was not noticed but after nolvadex my estrogen become very higher and my gynomastia become very notice now and my testicales still very very small and my hips look become more wider and not straight with my body as i was before taking nolvadex so why that is that because i took nolvadex at teenage(15-16y) ? or i had a sensetive to drugs what making of estradiol ? and is there anyway please to fix what i did to my body and clear my body of these effects what nolvadex causes ?
already went to a doctors but they here in my country where i live they have no enough study about hormons problems and do not know what nolvadex can realy cause as side effects so any other answers please can tell me why nolvadex made these side effects and if its not because of nolvadex why then all these effects appeared after took nolvadex and is these side effects should cleared of my system after how long its 5years ago now since took nolvadex and still have these very much fat and small testicales and much of body hair loss and big gynomastia with inverted nipple in one nipple why all these effects please i am asking here because you guys have more experience of taking these medecines and know well these effects so need advise please to how get my body back

BTW i even used 7month ago a power PCT

1-15HCG 2000UI eod

1-30Clomid 100mg daily

1-45nolvadex 40mg daily

and still my testicales very samll with all other effects including gyno and much fat/etc

very sorry for my long conversation but i really need help and doctors here are realy useless

thank you for your patience
already went to a doctors but they here in my country where i live they have no enough study about hormons problems and do not know what nolvadex can realy cause as side effects

Unless you live in a CAVE and the DOCTORS are using calligraphy as a means of communicating, then they have access to what are now called COMPUTERS to use what's referred to as the INTERNET where SERM side effects are thoroughly reviewed..

But I'll save them the effort as what your're describing is "really" NOT THE RESULT OF SERM THERAPY.

Oh and if the "doctors" have exercised due diligence and still "aren't helping you" then see a psychiatrist!