Side effects of low e2 levels when using AI's

letro is strong bro, I wouldnt fuck with letro its way to strong for me. Aromasin or arimidex are better options. For me, when I crash my e2 I have mood swings and extreme depression. Crashed e2 is terrible.
What’s with the new guys deciding to use letro and popping them like candy? Zero research has been done.
Agree, AIs can fuck you up and idk why dudes are way over using them. Blood work is needed for any reson to justify that much AI like if your e2 is off the charts or something. And besides if youre in a growth phase e2 will actually help you grow more. When im running high test the most ai I will use is like .5mg twice a week.
I'm running 400mgs TestE/week , 400mgs of Primo/wk and 2-3 iu of Pharm/Geno HGH pens each day. I add a mere 12.5 mgs of Aromasin twice a week to keep my E2 at ideal levels
Quickest way to raise e2, will hcg help ? I've been running 200mg test p/400mg primo for some time and my e2 has started to drop to uncomfortable levels. Bumping test p dose up as we speak

Cheaper and has more punch per mg. Trying to the first time and a quarter tablet dosed at 2.5
Crushed estrogen isn’t good either. Letro is used if your estrogen is sky high and you’re developing gyno. Causally using letro is NOT a good idea.
Crushed estrogen isn’t good either. Letro is used if your estrogen is sky high and you’re developing gyno. Causally using letro is NOT a good idea.
In this current day we live, nothing surprises me anymore. So much quality information and even guides available how to safely use steroids by tried and true methods, yet people still want to experiment and do things the crazy way. This is getting too ridiculous. I need a break from this scene for a while, I guess.
In this current day we live, nothing surprises me anymore. So much quality information and even guides available how to safely use steroids by tried and true methods, yet people still want to experiment and do things the crazy way. This is getting too ridiculous. I need a break from this scene for a while, I guess.
I don’t get the mentality. First they come here asking questions. Then they ignore everything we say. Last they believe they discovered some new protocol and implement the opposite of what we tell them. We can only offer to help so much if they don’t have the willingness and capability to listen and learn from experienced members
I don’t get the mentality. First they come here asking questions. Then they ignore everything we say. Last they believe they discovered some new protocol and implement the opposite of what we tell them. We can only offer to help so much if they don’t have the willingness and capability to listen and learn from experienced members
So true man, so many people are ignorant and ungrateful. Searching for shortcuts, discrediting peoples hard work. Either that or we have higher standards and were raised differently.

Price should definitely be the driving factor to determine what to put in your body ! Good job.

Exemestane is the only physiologically acceptable AI as it is steroidal in nature and close to something your body knows : androstenedione.
Crushed estrogen isn’t good either. Letro is used if your estrogen is sky high and you’re developing gyno. Causally using letro is NOT a good idea.
Depends on cycle, I'm shooting 1000mg and aromatise like crazy. Letro for me works
Price should definitely be the driving factor to determine what to put in your body ! Good job.

Exemestane is the only physiologically acceptable AI as it is steroidal in nature and close to something your body knows : androstenedione.
Of course that's why for injectables test is king and dirt cheap