Nordic Fusion Labs Canadian Domestic Only

@Megadick3000 I remember you asking about gels. I guess you're in luck.

Thx for tagging me on this.

I actually still have 2 bottles of my old innovagen testo-gel laying around, expired in 2005, still works great. Nice occassional pre workout boost. I hear it gets the ladies libidos fired up too. Its honey almond scented, smells like candy.
Kinda like when Godtropin posted igf scores from his customers. Lol If the bloods are not from Meso members. They are BUNK BLOODS... end of story gents.

I should have waited for him to post. But with all the word of mouth clients and the ones from the 3 forums we are on I never know whos who. If I knoew he was from meso I would have let him do it.

Either way Nordic has nothing to prove as we have a good following here anyways and people know we are legit. But I will keep this post in mind next time someone says they have bloods, and I will ask them to post it as you are right that it looks better from the members themselves
Thx for tagging me on this.

I actually still have 2 bottles of my old innovagen testo-gel laying around, expired in 2005, still works great. Nice occassional pre workout boost. I hear it gets the ladies libidos fired up too. Its honey almond scented, smells like candy.

Inoovagen does have good gels. Ive only had the non scented kind. Now that you mention the honey and almond scent I may look into if its possible for us to do as well
I've been using Nordics Test Cyp since December 24th since switching from Epharma. I started their T400 on Jan 9th and have now finished my 3rd bottle of T400 (I also did 4 wks of Anadrol) and I've put on a solid 16 lbs Since switching to Nordic. cycle started December 1 (mind you my diet is bangin right now)
ive ordered from Nordic about 4 times now and I've been happy with every delivery.
Just my experience
Good cal on adding the new list. We will have the test suspension and winny suspension in full stock soon as well. I will update the list again when that happens

We are Canadian domestic only.

Oral Anabolics

Tbol 50tabsx20mg

Anavar 50tabsx20mg

Winny 100tabsx10mg

Tianabol (10mg var/10mg tbol per tab) 100 tabs x20mg

Tianabol (10mg var/10mg tbol per tab) 50 tabs x 20mg

Dbol 50tabsx20mg

Anadrol 50tabs x 25mg

Anadrol 50tabsx50mg

Superdrol 50tabsx10mg

Proviron 50tabs x 25mg

Halotest 50tabsx10mg

Primo ace 50tabsx20mg

Topical Gel

Testoforte Gel 50mg/pump


Aromasin 50tabsx12.5mg

Nolvadex 50tabsx20mg

Arimidex 50tabsx1mg

Clomid 50tabsx25mg

Letrozol 50tabsx1.25mg

Pramipexole 60tabsx 0.25mg

Sexual Aids

Cialis 50tabsx20mg

Viagra 50tabsx50mg

Injectables 10ml bottles

Test Prop 100mg/ml

Test Prop 200mg/ml

Test Cyp 200mg/ml

Test Enth 250mg/ml

Tren Ace 100mg/ml

Tren Enth 100mg/ml

Tren Enth 200mg/ml

Mast Prop 100mg/ml

Mast Enth 100mg/ml

NPP 100mg/ml

Deca 300mg/ml

EQ 300mg/ml

Primo Enth 100mg/ml

Sust 250mg/ml

Sust 350mg/ml


Power Stack (tren ace 50mg/tren enth 150mg/ test enth 200mg per ml)

Cut Stack ( test prop 75mg/ tren ace 50mg/ mast prop 50mg

Fat Loss

Clenbuterol 100mcg x 50tabs

Clen pen 10ml pen x 60 sprays x .033mg a spray

T3 30ml bottle x 200mcg/ml



jeotropin 100iu kits

Primatropin 100iu kits

HCG 5000iu


Nutrobol 60tabsx15mg

Andarine 30tabsx50mg

Ostarine 30tabsx50mgs

Cardarine 30tabsx20mgs

Anabolicum 30tabsx10mgs

SR9009 60tabsx10mgs

YK-11 60tabsx10mgs

RAD140 60tabsx10mgs

Obliterate 60tabsx50mg

Obliterate 30tabsx50mg

Obliterate --- (25mg andarine/15mg ostarine/10mg cardaine)
Iv already posted I am happy with this lab a few times (though i got bashed for it half the time but w/e) and will say that I still am at moment a happy camper, using the t400 and now deca.
But I wanted to ask this @Nordic :
Have you considered making testosterone undecanoate (nebido)?
I mean for cycles its pretty much useless IMO but for HRT its great! after you ease into it and level off blood levels you can go for 1 shot every 1-2 months as apposed to 1-2 a week.
Might be enough guys around on HRT to make it worth it. its seen more in EU than USA or Canada and not a new thing.
for guys on hrt pining gets old (atleast for me it does) so thought I would inquier.
Thanks again Nordic!
We can definitely look into it. If its that good for HRT it might be worth it to stock as we also know many people who say that pinning every week gets old
We can definitely look into it. If its that good for HRT it might be worth it to stock as we also know many people who say that pinning every week gets old
maybe a thread/poll here and at other places? something to get the feel? i mostly cycle and cruse (im on hrt) but long term id likely use this too due to the ease. would just have to rework my hrt dosing but in long run seems like a better option.
Iv already posted I am happy with this lab a few times (though i got bashed for it half the time but w/e) and will say that I still am at moment a happy camper, using the t400 and now deca.
But I wanted to ask this @Nordic :
Have you considered making testosterone undecanoate (nebido)?
I mean for cycles its pretty much useless IMO but for HRT its great! after you ease into it and level off blood levels you can go for 1 shot every 1-2 months as apposed to 1-2 a week.
Might be enough guys around on HRT to make it worth it. its seen more in EU than USA or Canada and not a new thing.
for guys on hrt pining gets old (atleast for me it does) so thought I would inquier.
Thanks again Nordic!
Labs aside don't play victim!

Nordic Fusion Labs CDN UGL Pics/Review by: Juced_porkchop
What's the price on the test gel.? How do you measure the amount needed ? How often do you apply ? Just curious at the moment, thanks guys.

Every pump is made to be 50mgs.

Application for cycle benefits would be 7-10x a week (more for those who want to run a high dosed test cycle of 14-18 pumps a week).

For those running trt 5-7 applications a week is plenty.
Inoovagen does have good gels. Ive only had the non scented kind. Now that you mention the honey and almond scent I may look into if its possible for us to do as well


Original first ever batch of testo gel from innovagen. As mentioned, expired in 2005 yet still works great. Bought it in 2004, sat on it for years before i ever used it. Honey almond scented (back then). I really enjoy the smell. The bottles look nasty because i had it in underground storage container at one point in time and that container got water in it which effed the labels up. But its whats on the inside that counts! Man i got so much old relic gear, im the antique hoarder of aas.

Take note as testimony to the shelf life of testosterone, still works great after being like 13 years old and not stored in the most ideal of circumstances.
Review time :cool:

It's really hard to leave this review. At first, I was having a hard time coming to terms with it; new lab, can it be?

The only thing that isn't hard, is sayin @Nordic here damn near blew the corpora cavernosas right off me!

I've ran Teragon, NP, ePharma, pharm cialis, now Nordic. Nordic feels just like the pharm, still solid 3 days after a pill. If there was a minute difference in quality I sure didn't feel it.

Good job guys
Review time :cool:

It's really hard to leave this review. At first, I was having a hard time coming to terms with it; new lab, can it be?

The only thing that isn't hard, is sayin @Nordic here damn near blew the corpora cavernosas right off me!

I've ran Teragon, NP, ePharma, pharm cialis, now Nordic. Nordic feels just like the pharm, still solid 3 days after a pill. If there was a minute difference in quality I sure didn't feel it.

Good job guys

I see what you did there, and I'm glad I'm not actually seeing it :eek:
Anyone try their tianabol? I was going to do a Anadrol and anavar 2 days on 2 days off combination but this sounds interesting