not going off test ..

Iron this basically just like the other thread you started. What do you want thinking of cruising. Lets get some stats and goals. How about a baseline lab before cruising. Find out if its necessary. You might of went over this already if so I apologize but lets get down to the nitty gritty. What is it that you are looking to do?
How long you been running it like that and what's your BP and lipids like?

Lipids were in range before this current blast I'm 10 weeks in. BP is always stable even with tren @900ew 110-130 systolic. Don't know what hbp feels like(knocks on wood)

Going to experiment in my next cruise with 500mg test ew. Never done before gonna push it.
Please do a log so we can watch with you. I am not sure why you want to push this and what you hope to achieve. I see you are a U fan but I won't hold that against you does anyone actuallly graduate over there. Lets be safe on this one. I will probably have your ass at the local pharmacy getting BP checked all the time.
Lipids were in range before this current blast I'm 10 weeks in. BP is always stable even with tren @900ew 110-130 systolic. Don't know what hbp feels like(knocks on wood)

Going to experiment in my next cruise with 500mg test ew. Never done before gonna push it.
How big are you exactly? Unless you're one of 'those guys' that is trying to maintain a shredded 270 lbs. physique than half a gram/week for a cruise is absurd.

Give your body a rest, 200-250mg/week will retain plenty of LBM.
yes im planing on trying to blast and cruise ,i just wanted to see how others are doing it , im going to cruise at 200mg test cyp a week (watson) and blast at 600 a week test and 400 a week eq, im 5-10 215 lbs body fat is in the single digit( im guessing) a pic in my profile see what you think bodyfat is , ill be 63 in 2 months

Iron this basically just like the other thread you started. What do you want thinking of cruising. Lets get some stats and goals. How about a baseline lab before cruising. Find out if its necessary. You might of went over this already if so I apologize but lets get down to the nitty gritty. What is it that you are looking to do?
yes im planing on trying to blast and cruise ,i just wanted to see how others are doing it , im going to cruise at 200mg test cyp a week (watson) and blast at 600 a week test and 400 a week eq, im 5-10 215 lbs body fat is in the single digit( im guessing) a pic in my profile see what you think bodyfat is , ill be 63 in 2 months

Nice work IW!!
Please do a log so we can watch with you. I am not sure why you want to push this and what you hope to achieve. I see you are a U fan but I won't hold that against you does anyone actuallly graduate over there. Lets be safe on this one. I will probably have your ass at the local pharmacy getting BP checked all the time.

lol I won't take offensive your comments about the U, its what college football is all about right? the smack talk game.

Im in the back of an ambulance 2 days a week for a total day, ill do BP, blood sugar, EKG. All good across the board. Sometimes it gets to my head and ill be like shit i might have an arrhythmia ill put myself on the monitor results NSR. Or shit my blood sugar must be crashing and ill be at 80. Anyways I would like to compete, actually spoke to someone although he is still focused on his competition career and denied me for those reasons. I have a hard time finding a coach at the moment. Its more of a matter of trust. Ive also had a couple hiccups, got married had a child, lived life nonetheless but have just had to put competition in the back. Also would like my wheels to grow. Gotten obsessed with big legs not going to lie to you. And it happens to be my smallest feature, yet my fucking arms shoulders are all massive and I barely put any effort into them.

How big are you exactly? Unless you're one of 'those guys' that is trying to maintain a shredded 270 lbs. physique than half a gram/week for a cruise is absurd.

Give your body a rest, 200-250mg/week will retain plenty of LBM.

240b 511-6ft 14% I don't have a problem with 200-250 it helps me keep mass. Wanting to see if increasing to 500 with blood work monitoring everything remains stable.
yes im planing on trying to blast and cruise ,i just wanted to see how others are doing it , im going to cruise at 200mg test cyp a week (watson) and blast at 600 a week test and 400 a week eq, im 5-10 215 lbs body fat is in the single digit( im guessing) a pic in my profile see what you think bodyfat is , ill be 63 in 2 months

Crap 63 well then let's roll ....I like it. I am not sure of the EQ just because as we have talaked about RBC levels Test and EQ are usually the main culprits but if you stay on a cosistent blood donating rotation every eight weeks you should be good. I think you have heard everything about labs. Watson so you have a Dr, you are on prescribed TRT? How long were you thinking for your blasts. You will need at last 12 some will say14 with the EQ. Me personally I bump my test and run Anavar sometimes a little Deca. Everybody hates deca I like my joints encased with water.
i have used test and eq many times i check my rbc often it gets slightly elevated but according to my doc not enough to worry about, and i do bloods every 90 days, my doc does give me a script for test, i run eq for 12 weeks , and seros 4iu a day helps keep me lean , i feel best under 10 percent bodyfat, but as i said thats just a guess .

Crap 63 well then let's roll ....I like it. I am not sure of the EQ just because as we have talaked about RBC levels Test and EQ are usually the main culprits but if you stay on a cosistent blood donating rotation every eight weeks you should be good. I think you have heard everything about labs. Watson so you have a Dr, you are on prescribed TRT? How long were you thinking for your blasts. You will need at last 12 some will say14 with the EQ. Me personally I bump my test and run Anavar sometimes a little Deca. Everybody hates deca I like my joints encased with water.
Well then you are really doing nothing different then the rest of us on TRT. I think we all use moderate blasts of what we liked in our past. I know I don't change much. I switch my length of blasts but really that is about it. I am going to say being 63 and looking the way you do. I tip my hat to you and I should be hearing from you what to do. Keep us posted IRON.