NPP and test cycle with end of our pre-workout


New Member
How does 400 Test C a week 200 NPP and 20 mg of Anivar before the workout sound I’ve been on TRT for several years I’ve ran cycles before and I want to stay safe and do it the right way I would also be taking 0.5 mg of anastrozole weekly
How does 400 Test C a week 200 NPP and 20 mg of Anivar before the workout sound I’ve been on TRT for several years I’ve ran cycles before and I want to stay safe and do it the right way I would also be taking 0.5 mg of anastrozole weekly
IF the anastrozole is necessary. Was it necessary last time you cycled with something similar?

Best cycle I ever ran was just Test P and NPP. Well…just for my AAS anyways.
Have you taken all 3 compounds before? What is your current dose of Test C? I have test e and c to choose from ive ran high mgs of test before like 500 mgs a week test e. Never threw in npp but i did run deca and everything was fine. But i watched a youtube video amd scared myself off my cycle amd went back to tet doses. Ive tried tren, what i have on hand is npp, test c, test e, and masteron e and anavar. Please help me
have test e and c to choose from ive ran high mgs of test before like 500 mgs a week test e. Never threw in npp but i did run deca and everything was fine. But i watched a youtube video amd scared myself off my cycle amd went back to tet doses. Ive tried tren, what i have on hand is npp, test c, test e, and masteron e and anavar. Please