NPP and Test Cycle

For some that’s perfect for others it’s 1-1 or if like me it’s 2-1 nandralone to test. Currently running 200 test 300 NPP and it’s spot on. I would go 400 NPP but would be a waste as I’m cutting so works fine. I will never run test higher again as I get way too many sides.
I’m currently running 800 test 400npp. Sex drive is up which is awesome, anxiety is terrible.

Wondering if I should try to up the NPP or lower the test and see what happens.
I’m currently running 800 test 400npp. Sex drive is up which is awesome, anxiety is terrible.

Wondering if I should try to up the NPP or lower the test and see what happens.
how’s your E2 if you’ve gotten bloods recently? Could be that, or NPP just messes with some people mentally for some reason.
Have you had bloods done? I ran test 500 and Deca 350 and my e2 and prolactin was off the chart! Was sad, anxious and feeling really unhappy. Now with a manageable amount of test and higher nandralone I do not have that.
how’s your E2 if you’ve gotten bloods recently? Could be that, or NPP just messes with some people mentally for some reason.

Haven’t pulled bloods yet. No symptoms of high E2 or prolactin, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t out of whack. I’m prone to anxiety/depression off of drugs so not surprising that I’m experiencing it.
my first time with it I ran it at 500 test 400 npp then second time was 300 test 200 npp and saw amazing results with both of those. Estrogen started rising higher than normal when I had it at 400 but at 200 I had zero issues. 1mg anastrazole did well for me at lower doses of npp, but everyone’s bodies are different so bloods will help more with answering e2 questions.
For some that’s perfect for others it’s 1-1 or if like me it’s 2-1 nandralone to test. Currently running 200 test 300 NPP and it’s spot on. I would go 400 NPP but would be a waste as I’m cutting so works fine. I will never run test higher again as I get way too many sides.
Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated.
For some that’s perfect for others it’s 1-1 or if like me it’s 2-1 nandralone to test. Currently running 200 test 300 NPP and it’s spot on. I would go 400 NPP but would be a waste as I’m cutting so works fine. I will never run test higher again as I get way too many sides.

What sides were you getting that higher NPP alleviated?
Sounds like a good cycle, NPP made me emotional and weird so I’m staying away from it, but I ran 50mg EOD with test 650 weekly.
I was running 1g test and 700npp and couldn’t handle the anxiety: if I were to drop my test to 350 would that alleviate some of that?
I’m currently running 800 test 400npp. Sex drive is up which is awesome, anxiety is terrible.

Wondering if I should try to up the NPP or lower the test and see what happens.

Pulled the plug on NPP. This weekend was baddddddd. Ruined a vacation, about divorced my wife, I’m sure she was gonna try and beat me to it.
I’d give almost anything to grow, but apparently not my marriage.
33 days. Shit was good when it was good haha
Pulled the plug on NPP. This weekend was baddddddd. Ruined a vacation, about divorced my wife, I’m sure she was gonna try and beat me to it.
I’d give almost anything to grow, but apparently not my marriage.
33 days. Shit was good when it was good haha
Was it the NPP? Or maybe just e2 being high from loads of test. What’s your bloods saying?
I’ve just added 100 Deca a week to my current cut of 200 test 300 NPP so that in 4/5 weeks when I stop the NPP I’ll keep running the 100 Deca weekly for joint support. Continue this protocol untiI bulk again.