Since I started running cycles 2 years ago I almost never get DOMS anymore, regardless of training load., If I do it's very mild. Is this normal?

I still do. In fact I'm sore as fuck right now. While on vacation last week I even hit the gym every morning. I did not do the same volume or intensity I normally do.

Anytime I increase sets or weight I get DOMS. However, my pumps are not as good on a cruise.
You may just need to put some more effort in. Depending on your goals of course. If you’re bodybuilding or powerlifting I’d say you should feel pretty fucked most of the time, otherwise you’re training like a softie.
I can't explain what it's going on with me but in my previous cycle which was my first one i was in a deficit, trained hard, eat in a good deficit and haven't had DOMS. It was weird to me, i started thinking "well perhaps gear does some miracles" but now that i'm in my off season cycle with more total MG and plenty of food i feel beaten up for couple days after each session.

I couldn't explain it..then i saw a podcast with Paul Carter saying that gear doesn't actually helps directly with recovery, (i think he means at least in the point we think).

Well, some say DOMS are not a measure of progress, you're not supposed to seek them etc and i agree to an extend. But on the other hand if you ask most coaches and pros regarding training split and volume vs intensity their answer is always the same. A good split is one which allows you to drive stimulous and hypertrophy while you're able to recover before hitting the same muscle group again. If you're not having DOMS or feeling sore, how can you know when your muscles recover or not?
tells me you havent tried to push as hard as you can with training, volume, frequency and exercise selection :P i often been sore, even on 2-3g a week.

Muscle soreness isnt necessarily a good thing though, if you arent sore and progressing, i would say that its good, but that you might be able to do more and get more out of your training as well. But that might not be worth it in the long run, we dont really know.
I can't explain what it's going on with me but in my previous cycle which was my first one i was in a deficit, trained hard, eat in a good deficit and haven't had DOMS. It was weird to me, i started thinking "well perhaps gear does some miracles" but now that i'm in my off season cycle with more total MG and plenty of food i feel beaten up for couple days after each session.

I experience the same thing when in a deficit, i dont really get as much DOMS. I add back the carbs and fill out again, i start getting more DOMS again. I dont know the explanation tbh. Pehaps it has something to do with cell swelling/hydration and more inflammation and stretching of the tissues, i dont know.
I experience the same thing when in a deficit, i dont really get as much DOMS. I add back the carbs and fill out again, i start getting more DOMS again. I dont know the explanation tbh. Pehaps it has something to do with cell swelling/hydration and more inflammation and stretching of the tissues, i dont know.
Could it just be that the training sessions are more intense in a calorie surplus, hence the noticeable increase in DOMS?

Theoretically a calorie surplus should help reduce DOMS by aiding in the quicker recovery of muscles, but I know when I'm in a surplus I usually train harder and with higher volume which in itself increases my soreness and the recovery process

And then another excerpt on DOMS (not my words):
"DOMS is primarily due to microtears in muscle fibers caused by unfamiliar or intense exercise, especially eccentric movements (where muscles lengthen under tension, like lowering a weight). These microtears lead to an inflammatory response as the body works to repair the muscle damage, which in turn causes soreness. The microscopic damage triggers inflammation, leading to swelling and a delayed pain response as muscle tissues heal. This process, rather than any leftover lactic acid, is what contributes to the soreness associated with DOMS.
Definetly DOMS have to do with how much you stress the muscle, the guys that don't get doms are either genetic freaks or just don't stretch the muscle allot during training...

Same as you guys I have noticed that in a deeep deficient no doms... But than have a biiig carb day load on 300mg of caffeine pw have an insane workout and sure enough doms the next few days

Did the experiment(unwillingly)in reverse when i was on a bulk and test and ton of deca before I discovered Taurine.... Would get insane pumps in the gym to the point that I had to stop an exercise because I could no longer move the muscle it was so pumped ... And guess what? no DOMS.... Why ..because I was actually not able to reach failure....
Definetly DOMS have to do with how much you stress the muscle, the guys that don't get doms are either genetic freaks or just don't stretch the muscle allot during training...

Same as you guys I have noticed that in a deeep deficient no doms... But than have a biiig carb day load on 300mg of caffeine pw have an insane workout and sure enough doms the next few days

Did the experiment(unwillingly)in reverse when i was on a bulk and test and ton of deca before I discovered Taurine.... Would get insane pumps in the gym to the point that I had to stop an exercise because I could no longer move the muscle it was so pumped ... And guess what? no DOMS.... Why ..because I was actually not able to reach failure....
It's not like reaching failure is the only way of training. This is a wrong assumption in my opinion
It's not like reaching failure is the only way of training. This is a wrong assumption in my opinion
While how we individually respond to training methods is unique to us in many ways, personally I like to take a diverse approach. So a mixture of various styles; yes, failure sets, but also amraps, 20 rep sets, widow makers, supersets.
I always go to failure every set and never feel anything 30 minutes after the gym, never know why. Progression in the gym is good so I know Im doing good as weight goes up.
I tend to get DOMS. I've heard the micro-tear argument before, and remember it's not necessary to induce hypertrophy but may have relation to DOMS. Tried to find it, taking too long. I did catch this one: PMID: 30537791; not the best, but reads in part,

"Although the exact pathophysiological pathway [for DOMS] remains unknown, the primary mechanism is currently considered to be the ultrastructural damage of muscle cells..."

Is "ultrastructural damage" a "micro tear?" There's also a part in there about eccentric movements causing DOMS. What's everyone's take?
Sure training yo failure is not a must.... Hence 99% of guys on gear look like shit must be coincidence:)))
And all guys that step on stage with maxed genetics train like hell either tons of volume or intensity....

But this was not the discussion..... You asked if not getting doms is normal sure it is! if you train like a pussy....

Oh and DOMS is used kind of retarted.... Ot does not mean you can't fkin move the next just feel like the muscle was stressed and you weren't just moving weights around like a puppet