Old and fat to old and fit


I'll go into more detail later just want to get started. I naturally went from 320 to 174. Got on trt. Got injured, I was a distance runner. The dr put me on pills and begore I knew it I was 260. So I got on the semiglutide train. Man it made life easier. Now I'm trying to gain some strength back. I did so much wrong during the weight loss phase. I'm 50 years old for the record. I figured we could use a fatty success story. And it's just getting started.


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So during this weight loss phase I really got into longevity. Everything was low protein. I really dropped the ball on that. I lost what feels like all my muscle.

So now I'm trying to figure out calories. If the scale keeps on it's current trend I'm going to add 10% more calories. Currently at 185 weak as hell.
So during this weight loss phase I really got into longevity. Everything was low protein. I really dropped the ball on that. I lost what feels like all my muscle.

So now I'm trying to figure out calories. If the scale keeps on it's current trend I'm going to add 10% more calories. Currently at 185 weak as hell.
Are you lifting?

I love carnivore unless you're hitting the gym hard.

If you injecting hormones (TRT) and trying to get the most from the gym, if say shoot for:

eating 1 gram of protein for your body weight in pounds
50 or less fat
Rest in carbs to get your caloric goal

I'm using the Lose It! app to track calories.
Are you lifting?

I love carnivore unless you're hitting the gym hard.

If you injecting hormones (TRT) and trying to get the most from the gym, if say shoot for:

eating 1 gram of protein for your body weight in pounds
50 or less fat
Rest in carbs to get your caloric goal

I'm using the Lose It! app to track calories.
I lift four times a week at the gym some other stuff at home. It's a bit unorthodox because my arm is crushed so I do what I can. I go hard though.
I do use hormones because I'm old.
I get at least 225 protein,40/50 fat, carbs for 2250 total. May be bumping that up.
You're trying to gain weight? I would say bump it up by 250 a day if you don't see the scale moving.

Try to wait a week between bumps.

Are you just running Test right now?
I would like to add some lean mass yes. I usually give it two weeks. Running 300 test, 300 primo, 4iu gh. I know guys make fun of that but I'm old. Had my five week bloods pulled today. But food needs to go up before dose.
I would like to add some lean mass yes. I usually give it two weeks. Running 300 test, 300 primo, 4iu gh. I know guys make fun of that but I'm old. Had my five week bloods pulled today. But food needs to go up before dose.
Yeah for sure, sounds like you have a solid stack.

If you haven't checked Estradiol yet, you may need to adjust test up or Primo down if it's too low.

I like running mine between 40-60 personally but everyone has a preference on where they feel best.
Yeah for sure, sounds like you have a solid stack.

If you haven't checked Estradiol yet, you may need to adjust test up or Primo down if it's too low.

I like running mine between 40-60 personally but everyone has a preference on where they feel best.
Yes sir got the sensitive. I'll find out what tweaks if any are needed. I feel pretty good but that means nothing.
Damn, looks like a totally different person. All that weight coming off is not just the drugs you used; the determination, pure effort and dedication to make it happen played a bigger role of your success.

Great job brother, now it’s time to gain some quality mass and keep the fat off permanently.