Omega Pharma intro; Steroids & Pharma Ancilliaries

That's a pretty good deal. You'd get:

Test e for $17.50
Tren a for $22.50
Npp for $15.00

Pharm A-dex for $20.

I bet he's busy selling for that price.
yea, but its not all the time. its like 6 months out the year.
If the guy is pinning 100 mg test E ed. Then 2000 bloods are fine. What was his blood testing protocol and pinning schedule. How many weeks/?
What is your opinion on this @jJjburton

I've been waiting for my blood test results to come back before chiming in here. Ur test E is severely underdosed. At 600mg/wk my total test levels are 2085.2 ng/ a little over 3x's. Injection was on Saturday and blood draw was monday (a little less than 48 hours). Also have to consider my levels were almost 4900 on 500mg/wk of Alpha test c (almost 10x's) I'm not a low responder. Think u can now officially pack it in here.
Looking forward to the analysis. Really not much else to say. I will admit though, the low bloods but accurate dose is interesting. I hope to see this be the case here. I haven't purchased from this UGL, but like having options if needed.
What is your opinion on this @jJjburton
Depends on pinning regimen. If he pinned once a week then yes it should be higher, if he got bloods on peak level.

If he pinned 3 x a week or more then its fine. cause each peak is going to be 2081 but if will be that each time he pins.

He could of got bloods on a trough....Lowest point tt levels of week.

So I only can go off my trust of a member(for bloods), real testing, and my own bloods. But If My bloods came back bunk or terrible. I would send it to get tested. How did he find this out while he has no vials left that are unopened to get tested? I get bloods before I rub out of gear. So I can get it tested. Then when it comes up tested bad I would fucking never let it down!!! but bad bloods that might not even be bad. Is a waster of time.

Also we need to know how many weeks was the test taken. Must be 4 plus weeks.

So other factors needed.
I'm not convinced Omega is a scammer but definitely has some shit to tighten up and jumping ship is not the answer if you're really here to "take care" of us as you say after you make good with everyone.... definitely the choice is yours and I'll give you credit for atleast fixing it before your departure but the shit still doesn't sit well with me....
thats like 500 mg a week( close enough) pinned 4 times a week. Those numbers aren't terrible.

Dude at 200mg a week I roll around at 1000-1100. 600 took me to about 3800, I believe, on my last cycle. I'd have to dig for those bloods. Just had my trt blood work and was 1086, 3 days after the injection.

1800 is not a good number for prop pinned 24hrs before the draw. He's pinning more than double my dose and 700ng/nl higher? C'mon
Dude at 200mg a week I roll around at 1000-1100. 600 took me to about 3800, I believe, on my last cycle. I'd have to dig for those bloods. Just had my trt blood work and was 1086, 3 days after the injection.

1800 is not a good number for prop pinned 24hrs before the draw. He's pinning more than double my dose and 700ng/nl higher? C'mon
Is that on test e/c or prop? The compounding effect doesnt work the same as a short ester.

I'm not saying the test is good I'm just saying you can't compare per week numbers on e/c with weekly numbers on prop. It would be based on the per day amount. Which I believe 24 hours would put it at a peak so 1800 is still pretty low