On cycle for 1 year and PCT


More like 11-13 months approximately I've been on at least test+one other compound including peptides and hgh. 8 weeks ago I stopped all my drugs and injections. No PCT whatsoever.

The first 2 weeks I noticed no difference in my workouts, appearance, or strength. Probably still had some test cup lingering.

Weeks 2-4 Was tired sometimes, libido low, concentration low, and endurance was low but strength still there. Still getting erections just not as strong as on cycle.

From weeks 4-6 I noticed a small drop in strength, libido lowered but still Fucking daily. I probably had 2 or 3 workouts that sucked due to my Test being low and a lack of androgen. Before the end of week 6 my libido really started to come back. A little fat gain but still basically the same dude physically at 210. Went from 10% bf to probably 13% bf. Weight stayed the same.

Now 4 weeks later. Been making progress in the gym, fat peeling off, making gains and hitting PRs on big lifts. Libido through the roof Fucking 3x daily and choking the chicken to death. Noticing women so much it's a problem.

I just had to post this. I've ran maybe 4 cycles in which I used clomid/Nolva and asin and I was so scared of the terms "shutdown" "Deca dick" and "trt for life" I spent hundreds of dollars buying pct products. Instead of a 4 week pct I just ate steak 3 times a day and was smart about my training schedule. 4 weeks after the esters left my system and I feel on top of the world. Kids don't try this at home and to others I just had to leave my personal review as it feels so unbelievable.

If I cycle again I'll definitely pct or just stay on depending on my blood work but I'm 99% confident i have recovered from any shutdown.
Is it possible I can still be horny, strong, and physically and mentally vibrant and looking good with low test? I'm only 26 y/o

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1) There is only one way to judge recovery, and that is blood work.
2) Is it possible to have low test and function sexually? Yes.
3) Do you have to use PCT? No. People used steroids for decades before PCT was well known.
4) Is your experience typical and should others follow you? Probably not.