One Pharma: Bulk Cyp

Thanks for the blood work, we all l appreciate it. I am no expert on this matter and could not quote you an exact referance on how a trt dose compares to higher dosings. We all know this is not a linear curve where this dose will always produce this amount. Either way. Great job on showing us bloods. They are much appreciated and I'm sure will help others.
there's a discussion going on right now in the lab testing session about the 10x blood rule and whether or not it is accurate. look under a post by DMT titled [MS/HPLC]...need some involvement from other members
there's a discussion going on right now in the lab testing session about the 10x blood rule and whether or not it is accurate. look under a post by DMT titled [MS/HPLC]...need some involvement from other members
A couple friends and I were just talking about how your ip is in tampa and spetz is in tampa... and how you are pushing this stricter scoc that wouldn't affect spetz since he is a reseller- so you are spetz! Neat, huh?
No problemo bro. I'm scrutinizing every lab in hopes of finding a new steady source, so far no luck.

Once I burn through all the shit I have I'll be picking someone else to labmax and bloodwork.
400mg is an actual cycle, small, but a cycle. 250mg isnt a cycle and im sure Scally's rule doesn't apply here
Actually he made a point of of saying that the dose to serum level relationship is linear, and does not diminish with a higher dose.
Actually he made a point of of saying that the dose to serum level relationship is linear, and does not diminish with a higher dose.
To an extent this is true. However, take for example the jump from 250mg to 600mg per week. It will boost your levels much more than from 1500mg to 1850mg. The curve is not linear in every instance.
but the relationship IS linear.
If 250mg a week gets us a peak of 2500, and 600mg a peak of 6000, then 1500 should get us 15000 and 1850 will get us 18500. Still Linear. There is no "diminishing returns" on blood serum levels. Just diminishing returns on the anabolic effect.