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Hey everyone just wanted to get some opinions out there on a cycle I’m looking to run, nothing wild, kind of just dipping my toes in the water on what I’ve read.
Test 100mg per week 3 doses of roughly 35mg per injection
Tren A 150mg per week 25mgs ED
Var 20mg per day 10Am 10 Before training
Body weight 260lbs almost a lean strongman physique
Squat 615
Bench 375
Deadlift 700
Log press 301
Yoke 850
More of looking to lean out on this cycle and keep my numbers either level or maybe even hit some PRs. I try to stay conservative on my cycles to minimize sides and to keep a lower tolerance. TIA Meso. PSA this will be my first cycle with more than two compounds.
That's some really good numbers there mate.

Cycle looks good for the intended purposes. I would up a tad the test to 150mg just to cover the basics. You are a big boy and more muscle needs more gear.
Hey everyone just wanted to get some opinions out there on a cycle I’m looking to run, nothing wild, kind of just dipping my toes in the water on what I’ve read.
Test 100mg per week 3 doses of roughly 35mg per injection
Tren A 150mg per week 25mgs ED
Var 20mg per day 10Am 10 Before training
Body weight 260lbs almost a lean strongman physique
Squat 615
Bench 375
Deadlift 700
Log press 301
Yoke 850
More of looking to lean out on this cycle and keep my numbers either level or maybe even hit some PRs. I try to stay conservative on my cycles to minimize sides and to keep a lower tolerance. TIA Meso. PSA this will be my first cycle with more than two compounds.

Looks good mate. I agree with the minimal effective dose strategy. Minimal effective dose to reach your goals.

You can always increase later if necessary

That's some really good numbers there mate.

Cycle looks good for the intended purposes. I would up a tad the test to 150mg just to cover the basics. You are a big boy and more muscle needs more gear.

If he can get where he wants to go on TRT dose, no need to push it. He mentioned minimizing sides is part of the goal. 100 mg/wk is in line with that (plus tren & var).
100 test in my opinion is way too low especially for someone your size. 200 test, long ester will be enough to make you feel good and cover your e2 needs. Never run a 19-nor higher than your test base.
Have you gotten your test levels checked on 100mg? Like @PaintDrinker said, 100mg sounds a little low for a guy at 260 who isn’t too fat. You may fall in a good range though depending on response. I’d also go higher test than the tren, but otherwise nothing seems off about those doses
Here we go again lol.
Brace Yourself Here We Go GIF by MOODMAN
That's some really good numbers there mate.

Cycle looks good for the intended purposes. I would up a tad the test to 150mg just to cover the basics. You are a big boy and more muscle needs more gear.
Sounds good will definitely look more into it considering it’ll be my first run with 3 compounds and with tren at that. Thank you bro.
Looks good mate. I agree with the minimal effective dose strategy. Minimal effective dose to reach your goals.

You can always increase later if necessary

If he can get where he wants to go on TRT dose, no need to push it. He mentioned minimizing sides is part of the goal. 100 mg/wk is in line with that (plus tren & var).
That is true I can always increase if I ever need to, I respond very well to test and Anavar, so the test will mainly be the tren. I definitely like the mindset of less is more when it comes to harsher compounds. Thank you pickle Rick
100 test in my opinion is way too low especially for someone your size. 200 test, long ester will be enough to make you feel good and cover your e2 needs. Never run a 19-nor higher than your test base.
From the most part many are telling me higher test so maybe I will jump it up a bit more if need be depending on blood work along with feelz, thank you bro
Have you gotten your test levels checked on 100mg? Like @PaintDrinker said, 100mg sounds a little low for a guy at 260 who isn’t too fat. You may fall in a good range though depending on response. I’d also go higher test than the tren, but otherwise nothing seems off about those doses
this will be the first time dropping down to 100mg I’ve trt dosed at 175 before alone and have felt great. Levels stick around 1200-1300 so I respond extremely well to test. Thank you as well bro
do you even compete?
I sure do, I just did nationals a few months ago. All I had was 250mgs of test running through at the time. Do YoU EvEn LiFT BrO
If you ran 250 test and competed at nationals you obviously at least won a local class and I assume you haven’t ran higher test yet? so I’d definitely just try bumping that up to 500 test and finding your aromasin dose, especially if you want to do this for a while it’s important to see how you respond to higher test
If you ran 250 test and competed at nationals you obviously at least won a local class and I assume you haven’t ran higher test yet? so I’d definitely just try bumping that up to 500 test and finding your aromasin dose, especially if you want to do this for a while it’s important to see how you respond to higher test
I’ve ran 500mgs before, last year, I absolutely blew up, weighed 297lbs of pure plump. My blood pressure went up and I looked swollen in the worst way haha. 500 was definitely a wild experience. I kept my estrogen around the 50s, my first cycle was the 500mgs. Loved and hated so I adjusted to lower doses to keep the blood pressure down and the water rention minimal. I’ve never exactly used aromasin I do have arimidex on hand. I couldn’t imagine they’re too different.
I’ve ran 500mgs before, last year, I absolutely blew up, weighed 297lbs of pure plump. My blood pressure went up and I looked swollen in the worst way haha. 500 was definitely a wild experience. I kept my estrogen around the 50s, my first cycle was the 500mgs. Loved and hated so I adjusted to lower doses to keep the blood pressure down and the water rention minimal. I’ve never exactly used aromasin I do have arimidex on hand. I couldn’t imagine they’re too different.
Aromasin is generally milder, but also not quite as effective for most. I’m assuming you don’t eat a pretty strict bodybuilder type diet being you’re a strongman? Most likely why that water retention was troublesome. I’d be inclined to agree that if you’re going to be eating a dirtier strongman type diet, high test may not be helpful for your health. You could also try an addition of some mast to stay a little drier but all in all your cycle idea doesn’t sound too bad, I just know some people have issues with higher tren to test ratios