Operation Cyber Juice - Very interesting read about recent UGL bust on all levels.

Guy wants to be more of a woman.....
Woman wants to be more like a man......

The above are celebrated by the media and there's a doctor willing to help you down that path. Man wants to be more of a man?? Too bad, you got to prove low T to even get a doc to consider prescribing anything. Thus UGLs are the only option.
This is so fucking true!!!!
ISIS beheads innocent people and spreads terrorism.
China steals patented tech and manipulates currency which effect economics.
Iran works on nukes.
Heroin, meth, and Cocaine are still used by many in every town causing serious health risks and fund organized crime syndicates that murder and terrorize.
Ecstasy (Molly) and other drugs such as pain killers and downers are glamorized by a sick culture that young people worship.
Cigarettes and Alcohol are top health risks with stats that show they lead to deaths and illness for hundreds of thousands of people each year -- yet are available at most gas stations. Lets be real, most teens have already started drinking and think it is glamorous.
Those same kids can not do simple math problems or answer basic questions about history, have zero job skills, and feel a sense of entitlement but no drive to work.
The USA can not stop illegal immigrants from crossing our boarders. We can not contain diseases such as Ebola because we let everyone from anywhere come and go into our nation. We can not stop both the poor and the elite from other nations coming just to give birth here to use our system later by exploiting citizenship.
We continue to lose job as manufacturing moves abroad.
Wall Street bankers get rich as kings while you and I get laid-off because of their poor investment practices and fiscal mistakes (or scams).
Our budget deficit continues to get more and more out of hand as government corruption seems to grow exponentially.
the list goes
on and on...

but STEROIDS are what needs to be a focus!? That is where we need to put effort, time, tax dollars into!? money that could be used for education, health care, a stronger military -- nope we need to worry about steroids!?

who the fuck are these "representatives" representing? I never heard any average joe in line at Walmart talk about how much he or she really wishes the government would work harder at steroid busts! but I am sure you have all heard many care about the real issues that are out of control!

Makes me sick! they love you to take all kinds of drugs as long as big pharma gets rich; but like any drug dealer they don't want you turning to another source or different product, that is the bottom line.
Very well said RT!!
"Criminals are exploiting the internet to not only traffic drugs, but misinform people about the benefits and perceived shortcuts from steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. Through efforts such as Operation Cyber Juice, DEA is attacking every level of the U.S. and global underground steroid market and exposing its many ugly truths.”

I don't think I've ever seen an AAS vendor "misinform" anyone by exaggerating the benefits of steroids or suggesting that they are a shortcut. IME, it's been just the opposite - vendors inform their customers that steroids aren't magic beans, but a tool that only works when used in conjunction with a proper diet and hard training.

Perhaps it is the DEA that is misinforming the public?:rolleyes:
While I'm not really against cops using AAS, I am against cops opening themselves to corruption and participation in illegal activity. Their job is to enforce the law not to selectively decide which laws apply to them.

Cops using steroids seems quite common. There's no shortage of cops selling steroids as well. Here's a few cases from the past couple of years:

The Complete Series: When Your Local Cops Are Steroid Dealers
When I was 25 I was serving ,9 mo's county time and I was on a floor crew and we had the coolest Co in charge of us he was actually younger then me and I was the youngest on the crew. In this County to be a street deputy you had to do a year in the jail as an officer or Co to learn how to deal with criminals I guess like we're not humans most are just in there for our archaic drug laws. Anyway this officer and me became friends and he told me in confidence that he and numerous deputies cycled he would let me use the officer gym because we worked the middle of the night and he would let my mom bring us hungry Howie's pizza on Friday's. But there was one officer that sold to all of them the whole swat team and several other meathead deputies he was killing it because my co asked me what Shit should cost and I told him and he about shit that cop that was supplying everyone was charging $150.a 10 ml jug ugl didn't matter what it was it was 150. So yes you better believe they juice I'm sure all those buff fireman you see do too. Doesn't bother me I'm pro cop we have to have law and order now that being said stealing people's gear is stealing there are plenty of bad cops there's bad people in every profession. Man is flawed that's why capitalism and a free republic and our constitution is the best system and the best hope for all of mankind!
I guess cracking down on steroids is more important than finding cyber deals of human trafficking. Also, they will spend more attention on "cyber juice", a bunch of real criminals will be ignored. There are pedophiles, murderers, violents criminals, etc, running around and I am not allowed to stick a needle up my ass to look a certain way? Such disgust.
This involves the bust of 16 different domestic UGLs over the past 4 months. Has anyone seen a list of the UGLs involved?

I suspect most of the busts have already appeared in the news even if not identified by name. If I understand the press release correctly, the lastest "Operation Cyber Juice" simply combines them under one umbrella probably for impact.

Domestic UGLs are obviously low-hanging fruit for the DEA.
I would put money on one of these labs being superior labels from steroid-forums. He was out of AZ and had a big operation going.

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welcome to ORD part 2. Its been almost 8 years since the last one like this. So really in the time frame of BIG bust thats not bad. Still sucks and is stupid. But from being on line since 2003 and really 3 big bust ORD, THIS one and gear grinder. They do monitor the Gear forums as we know but they dont go super hard busting. So we are kind low on to totem pole
So yes you better believe they juice I'm sure all those buff fireman you see do too.

I wouldn't say all but certainly there are lots of firefighters juicing. Most are getting legit trt through work though under insurance...so why not? Sad to say though, 24 hr shifts, can tend to make a lot of guys lazy. Way too easy to sit at the tv and stuff your face while waiting for calls
welcome to ORD part 2. Its been almost 8 years since the last one like this. So really in the time frame of BIG bust thats not bad. Still sucks and is stupid. But from being on line since 2003 and really 3 big bust ORD, THIS one and gear grinder. They do monitor the Gear forums as we know but they dont go super hard busting. So we are kind low on to totem pole

Yeah but they really went after the low hanging fruit here. coukd hulk body be any more public?

When I was new to the game I thought since they were sooo easy to find they must be a scam. I held that thought until this bust.

Domestic should not be operating through dot com sites under any circumstances.
Yeah but they really went after the low hanging fruit here. coukd hulk body be any more public?

When I was new to the game I thought since they were sooo easy to find they must be a scam. I held that thought until this bust.

Domestic should not be operating through dot com sites under any circumstances.
Havent seen you around in a while. Welcome back[emoji4]
Yeah but they really went after the low hanging fruit here. coukd hulk body be any more public?

When I was new to the game I thought since they were sooo easy to find they must be a scam. I held that thought until this bust.

Domestic should not be operating through dot com sites under any circumstances.
a dot com and be done right to be pretty damn anonymous but sad to say. Most are not
I wouldn't say all but certainly there are lots of firefighters juicing. Most are getting legit trt through work though under insurance...so why not? Sad to say though, 24 hr shifts, can tend to make a lot of guys lazy. Way too easy to sit at the tv and stuff your face while waiting for calls
I'm in no way putting down firefighter's those guys are Hero's in alot of instances I have a great uncle who was a fireman and went on to be the chief in the little town I grew up I got much respect! I don't care if they juice hell I do and I'm no hypocrite and if I was a fireman I'd juice.
never crossed my mind that you might be Mr. Deltoid. I just hang with the guys who are fit and with the firemen who are fat...both types are in the halls. For me....If I'm laying dying in a smoke filled room...I hope to hell the firefighter is juiced to shit and can haul my ass out of the fire. Hell I'll buy him his next 10 cycles after that!
"Criminals are exploiting the internet to not only traffic drugs, but misinform people about the benefits and perceived shortcuts from steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. Through efforts such as Operation Cyber Juice, DEA is attacking every level of the U.S. and global underground steroid market and exposing its many ugly truths.”

I don't think I've ever seen an AAS vendor "misinform" anyone by exaggerating the benefits of steroids or suggesting that they are a shortcut. IME, it's been just the opposite - vendors inform their customers that steroids aren't magic beans, but a tool that only works when used in conjunction with a proper diet and hard training.

Perhaps it is the DEA that is misinforming the public?:rolleyes:
The media makes steroids out to be some instant cheat code for muscle and strength without work involved. People think of steroids as something you take and immediately become a wide eyed, angry force to be reckoned with. They're hormones (well, whoremoans;)) people it's not PCP.
The media makes steroids out to be some instant cheat code for muscle and strength without work involved. People think of steroids as something you take and immediately become a wide eyed, angry force to be reckoned with. They're hormones (well, whoremoans;)) people it's not PCP.
I only wish steroids did to me what most people think they do. This whole bust is going to only drive the demand and cost of product up. Fucking idiots. It will never go away, the demand is there and far too many folks are willing to pay whatever it takes to find it. This shit is global, to the authorities I say good fucking luck and choke on a dick along the way.
I only wish steroids did to me what most people think they do. This whole bust is going to only drive the demand and cost of product up. Fucking idiots. It will never go away, the demand is there and far too many folks are willing to pay whatever it takes to find it. This shit is global, to the authorities I say good fucking luck and choke on a dick along the way.
I only wish steroids did to me what most people think they do. This whole bust is going to only drive the demand and cost of product up. Fucking idiots. It will never go away, the demand is there and far too many folks are willing to pay whatever it takes to find it. This shit is global, to the authorities I say good fucking luck and choke on a dick along the way.

I didnt even think about that. But yeah, I can see some ugl's raising prices based on demand and "risk" theyre taking. Which will bring some shady ugl's out with lower prices and worse quality. This will be bad for everyone...
This is exactly what I was thinking too. Prices go up and quality gets worse. A system that fully informs/educates the population and then allows them to make their own decision as to what drugs they want to take would make too much sense. Why is steroids considered to be any different when it comes to wanting to add lean mass, and hell as we've already said females transitioning to males can get a script!? Why can't bodybuilders get legit pharma gear and have a doctor monitor them every step of the way? Keep health and safety as a priority and take power away from shady ugl's.
The media makes steroids out to be some instant cheat code for muscle and strength without work involved. People think of steroids as something you take and immediately become a wide eyed, angry force to be reckoned with. They're hormones (well, whoremoans;)) people it's not PCP.
Show me a steroid-using champion athlete and I'll show you an athlete who works harder than everyone else. AAS aren't shortcuts. They are primarily recovery drugs for most athletes and make it possible for them to work harder.