Operation Cyber Juice - Very interesting read about recent UGL bust on all levels.

The war on steroids will be doomed to failure just like the war on rec drugs. Just my 2 cents.
Well if the government wants to regulate U.S. citizen's health, then maybe they should consider closing all McDonald's, Burger King's, Wendy's, etc...as well as banning all sales of alcohol and tobacco products. I find it interesting how government decides what is acceptable and what is not. I certainly don't know anyone who goes to McDonald's to better their physique.
you forgot about 'Monsanto"
its sad that with all the herion dealers out there that they are still putting money into they kinds of things. That money could have filled the gap in the recent wage increase for vets. There are so many things it could have done. But in some ways I do understand it. Being an older guy I see many children in the training centers and gyms using the stuff and its really sad to watch because they still have nice normal numbers. I don't enven produce on my own anymore... No LH or FSH really either. And kids act up often when using and cause issues that draw this kind of negative attention to the sport. Id like to see them take down the Olympia..JOke- But serious you never see them showing up on stage pinching guys who are no doubt using all the gears. Its a joke though because all of those labs will be set up all over again by the end of the day and there will be new sites up... all the NFL and NBA ect will still be using and the Billy bad ass 15 year old whos been on tren and all kinds of other shit will still drive his truck into the house next door because he thought the guy inside disrespected him. Nothing changes just more tax payer money wasted fighting a war on what a person can and cant do with their own body.

They should just make it like alcohol ... must be 30+ to be anabolic steroids for legal consumption.